
  • Racial Equity Update


    Published: March 23, 2023

    In 2020, a short-term Racial Justice Advocacy team formed and spent many hours over several months gathering information about how members at Asbury First could participate in Racial Justice work through education and partnering with local advocacy groups. A newly-formed Racial Equity ministry will be taking on long-term work of building racial equity at Asbury First. One of the first things this group has done is to compile the information gathered by the original team into one accessible place as a resource for our congregation. 

    A new section of the website is the Racial Equity Resource Database. It will be updated regularly. Click here to download a PDF of the database.

    Visit for more information on the group or contact Rev. Rachel Dupont at with any questions.

  • Family Promise of Greater Rochester Fundraiser


    Published: March 22, 2023

    Wednesday, May 3, 1:30am - 9pm, Bennuci's Italian Restaurant—3349 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, NY

    Benucci's Italian Restaurant will donate 20% of the entire day's proceeds to support families at risk of or experiencing homelessness. Located at the Pittsford Plaza location. Take-out included. Reservations for dine-in are recommended—call 264-1300.

    Click here to learn more. 

  • Help Needed: Communion Stewards


    Published: March 16, 2023

    As we continue to acclimate to our ‘post-pandemic’ life together, we are exploring ways to offer Holy Communion that meet the needs of our congregation. In order to do this well, we would like to equip and empower a team of Communion Stewards.

    If you are interested in helping to plan, set up for, and/or clean up after Communion, please contact Rev. Rachel Dupont: (585) 271-1050 x113

  • Watch for Us—The Bibliocart!


    Published: March 16, 2023

    The first Sunday of each month after the 11 am service the church library bibliocart will meet you in the church Gathering Space with a full selection of new library purchases and the theme of the month.

    This month (April 2) the focus is on Easter with numerous books on this topic. You can check out the books—for free—right there at the bibliocart—just in front of the piano. Stop by and check us out on this first Sunday in April: April 2, just one short week before Easter.

  • KOP: Road to Resilience Gala


    Published: March 16, 2023

    Wednesday, April 26, 6-9 pm, Memorial Art Gallery

    Please join Keeping Our Promise at our fundraiser gala, Road to Resilience at the Memorial Art Gallery.  Road to Resilience provides gala guests with an intimate view of the incredible journey wartime ally individuals and families take to escape the life-threatening situation they are in for serving US interests in Afghanistan. 

    KOP does not receive any government funding and relies solely on private funds and fundraising events to accomplish our work. We invite you to join us for our upcoming Road to Resilience Gala fundraiser on Wednesday, April 26. Tickets are now available! For more information and to purchase tickets please visit our website here

  • Tickets On Sale Now for The Sound of Music!


    Published: March 16, 2023


    • Friday, May 5, 7 pm, 
    • Saturday, May 6, 7 pm, 
    • Sunday, May 7, 2 pm

    Tickets are now on sale for Asbury First's production of The Sound of Music! Based on the true story of the Von Trapp Family Singers, this play captures a personal tale of growth and hope amidst the horrors of World War II. Our multi-generational cast is working hard to bring this stellar musical to life. 

    You can help support this production by buying advertising space in the program or becoming a sponsor of our project. We also have opportunities to support your favorite cast or crew member(s) with a special message in the program for $25 each. For more information, contact Larry Dugan at

    We hope to see you there!

    Click here to buy tickets

  • Pretzel Sunday


    Published: March 9, 2023

    Sunday, March 19, 9 am – 12 pm, 1040 Fellowship Hall  

    It's pretzel time! One of the Asbury First Lenten traditions is Pretzel Sunday. From 1977 to now kids have enjoyed making pretzels at Asbury First and learning about their connection to faith and prayer. Join us on Sunday, March 19 from 10 am–12 pm in Fellowship Hall for fun, fellowship and all things pretzels. For those parents that aren’t attending a Sunday School class, you are invited to the Gathering Center for fellowship, coffee, and treats.

    For more information contact Paula Dugan at

  • Volunteers Needed to Make Dough for Pretzel Sunday


    Published: March 9, 2023

    It’s time to make the dough! Click here for the recipe for the pretzel dough the children will need to make pretzels on March 19. Please bring the dough to the church by 10 am on the 19th. Thank you!

    For more information contact Paula Dugan at

  • Get Your Own "Do More Good" Hat!


    Published: March 9, 2023

    Sunday mornings, Starting March 19, 1040 Welcome Hall, OR during the week at the church office (1050 East Ave)

    Do you want to show off your Asbury First spirit on cold days? Well now you can with the "Do More Good" knit cap! Thanks to an incredible donation by Brian and Joanne White, 100% of the proceeds will support the new Community Outreach Center. The hats cost $15 and will be available for sale on Sunday mornings starting on March 19 in the Welcome Hall, or during the week at the church office.

    For more information call the church office at 585-271-1050.

  • Warning: Scam/Phishing Emails or Texts


    Published: March 2, 2023

    It has come to our attention that some of our staff and members have been receiving text messages or emails from Stephen with odd requests, usually asking for money or gift cards. Please ignore these requests. The Asbury First staff will never ask you to send cash immediately or to give your personal information over an open email.

    Here are a few guidelines to recognize scam/phishing emails or texts:

    • Be suspicious of urgent demands for information. Often spoofed e-mails will make some form of urgent request.
    • Look for misspelled words or grammatical errors in the message and/or hyperlink.
    • Avoid e-mailing personal and financial information.
    • Be watchful of general greetings.
    • Contact Asbury First directly to verify the request before responding.

    Another way to avoid them is to check the email address and make sure it has at the end. If it does not, immediately delete the email before opening it as the staff will only contact you using official email addresses. For more information, please contact David Strong at


  • NEEDED: UR Well Clinic PPD Test Readers


    Published: Feb. 23, 2023

    The UR Well Clinic is in need of additional TB test (PPD) readers on Sunday mornings for about one hour. You would be meeting with patients in our new Outreach Center with a greeter to assist you. You will be oriented to Asbury First’s process and you would not be needed any more than once a month or possibly less.

    Certification will be available at MCDH TB Clinic or if you are certified to read PPDs at your place of work you will qualify. If you are a licensed medical professional, active or retired, we welcome you to join our team.

    For more information please contact Lin Vanderstyne RN, Reading Coordinator, at

  • Help Me Read New Tutors


    Published: Feb. 23, 2023

    New Help Me Read Tutors New Tutor Orientation / training for persons interested in tutoring has been scheduled: Tuesday March 7th and Tuesday March 14th at 10:00am Location is: 1,000 North Winton Rd. Rochester, NY 14609 If you are interested in tutoring at School 17 and have not been to orientation contact John Smalt at Thanks!!

  • Morehouse College Glee Club Concert


    Published: Feb. 22, 2023

    Tuesday, March 14, 7 pm, 1040 East Ave

    We are delighted to announce the return of the internationally acclaimed Morehouse College Glee Club. Don't miss out on this incredible musical group!

    Click here or contact the church office at 585-271-1050 to purchase tickets.

    (Note: Zeffy automatically puts a 20% donation on your order. To cancel this out, once you place your ticket order, click the drop down menu for “Support the 100% platform” and choose “Other”. You can then contribute $0 or however much you like) 

  • Lenten 2023 Devotionals Available Now!


    Published: Feb. 22, 2023

    Devotionals for Lenten 2023 are now available!

    Each week this devotional will serve as your guide. Commit to some intentional time to pray, meditate, reflect on whatever resonates with you, and then respond in love as your roots deepen. This practice may become your Lenten practice. 

    Pick up a copy in the Welcome Hall, or visit for an online version.

  • New Members Class


    Published: Feb. 22, 2023

    In-Person: Sunday, March 5, 12:30 pm, 1050 Dining Room, Lunch served.
    Hybrid: Wednesday, March 8, 7 pm, Zoom (

    Are you interested in joining Asbury First? We are pleased to be offering the next round of New Members Classes for any and all interested in joining Asbury First. Our hope is to have everyone join on Sunday, March 12. 

    You need not register to attend, but if you know that you will be there, we’d love to know! Simply email Deb Bullock-Smith at or call 585-271-1050.