Published: Jan. 27, 2023
Sunday, February 12, 9:45-10:45 in Fellowship Hall
Led by the youth and adult mission trip participants 2022 marked the first time in three years that our high school youth were able to embark on a summer mission trip. We spent a week working in Northeastern Kentucky helping to repair homes, and learning more about the Appalachia region. We are looking forward to sharing our experiences with Asbury First, and hope that you will join us in Fellowship Hall on February 12.
Please contact Mike Mullin at with any comments or questions.
Published: Jan. 27, 2023
Economic conditions for the working poor are worsening, and more people are on the edge of economic disaster. The time for action is now, and, since 1976, Eastern Service Workers Association (ESWA) has built a strong organization fighting to end government policies that put profits above people. ESWA unites low-income workers, students, professionals, local business owners, and others to forge a long-term solution.
To raise the necessary support for the Campaign, ESWA members and volunteers are holding our annual Super Bowl Sunday Tamale Benefit. Chicken, pork, and vegan tamales are available on Super Bowl Sunday and are a suggested donation is $20 per dozen or $10 per 1⁄2 dozen. Order now while supplies last! Also, for those who would like to volunteer to help make tamales, we will need help on Thursday 2/9/23, Friday 2/10/23, & Saturday 2/11/23. We will be turning Corpus Christi Church at 864 Main St. into
a ‘Tamale Factory’ for those 3 days!
Please call ESWA’s office at 234 Bay St. to schedule yourself or your group at (585) 654-9640. Thanks for your support!
Published: Jan. 26, 2023
This Sunday, immediately following the 11 am service, we will have our Annual Church Conference during which time we will vote to approve our budget, our nomination’s report, and minutes from previous meetings. Click the links below for the materials.
The Attorney General’s office for the State of New York has informed the Upper New York Conference of the United Methodist Church that in order for a Church Conference to be counted as “official” it has to be either fully in person or fully virtual, but not hybrid. Because we have not had an “official” Church Conference since January of 2020 due to the pandemic, we feel the need to make sure that this one is in proper order. To that end, the official portion of this Church Conference will be in person. However, because we honor and care about those who are with us virtually, we will still provide a virtual voting option that we will report in real time, but which we cannot hold as official. As always, only members are allowed to vote during a Church Conference.
To vote virtually (but unofficially) on Sunday go to:
The pertinent documents for our Annual Church Conference are available on our website at, including:
Published: Jan. 25, 2023
Due to poor weather conditions, the Wednesday evening events are cancelled. Stay home, stay safe, and we'll see you on Sunday for worship and our Annual Church Conference.
Grace and peace,
— Asbury First Staff
Published: Jan. 19, 2023
Congratulations to our own Kayla Sconiers, who was awarded the prestigious William Warfield Scholarship from the Eastman School of Music! Kayla is in her junior year at Eastman, and will receive the award at a benefit concert on Sunday, January 22nd at 3:00pm in Kilbourn Hall.
“Being the recipient of the William Warfield Scholarship is an immense privilege and self-confidence boost for me as an African American performer in the arts,” says Kayla. “This network of trailblazers inspires me to achieve my goals and aspirations. As I grow and gain new knowledge from the program, I will carry the experience with me – forever – by encouraging others along the way.”
Tickets are $30 in advance, $35 at the door, and can be purchased at You can support the WWSF by donating here:
Published: Jan. 19, 2023
January is the perfect time to consider adding something new to your routine, so if you've ever thought about investigating one of Asbury First's musical ensembles, we hope you'll get in touch!
Sanctuary Choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings from 7:30-9 pm in Wesley Hall and sings regularly at the 11 am service through late May. Our membership includes singers with a wide range of experience and training - all that's required is the time commitment and a desire to learn! Contact Dr. Carl Johengen at for more information.
Published: Jan. 19, 2023
Starting Sunday, January 29, 9:45 am, 1040 Room 201
Starting Sunday, January 29, we have a new class for families! We will watch an episode of "Bluey" together and then parents will break for a discussion on parenting based on the episode, while the kids will learn and play lessons that tie our faith with the values that are taught to us by Bluey. Come join us at 9:45 am in room 201.
Questions? Email Paula Dugan at or call 585-271-1050 x111.
Published: Jan. 19, 2023
Rehearsals: Wednesdays, 6-7 pm, 1040 Room 201
Wesley Singers is beginning to rehearse for their Spring Musical, Table for Five Thousand by Tom S. Long and Allen Poe and it’s not too late to join us. All children 2nd through 5th grade may participate. We rehearse in Room 201 from 6 - 7 pm on Wednesdays. We will present this show during the 11 am service on Sunday, April 30.
For more information contact Holly Temming at
Published: Jan. 12, 2023
Saturday, February 18, 8:30 am -1 pm, 1040 Gathering Center
Please call Ed Ristau at 223-4356 or call 1-800-RED CROSS or to schedule your appointment. Please bring ID!!
Maximize your blood donation. Help more patients. If you are eligible type O, B - or A - donor, consider making a Power Red donation. Red blood cells are the most commonly transfused blood component.
Streamline your donation experience and save up to 15 minutes by visiting to complete your pre-donation reading and health history questions on the day of your appointment.
Published: Jan. 12, 2023
As we continue to reengage post-lockdown and COVID concerns of the past three years, Asbury is looking to reach out with visitation of our older adults and those unable to come to church. In conjunction with our Older Adult Council, we will be identifying persons who may want a visit, and are asking for persons willing to make some visits. For those wishing to help with visits, we will be having an initial meeting on Tuesday, February 21 at 3:00 in the church library. Rev. Kathy Thiel will lead us in discussing how we envision re-igniting this important ministry. There will also be time for questions and clarifications.
Please contact either Judy Messenger or Elizabeth Church, Co-Coordinators, with your interest and intention to attend the meeting. We look forward to connecting with our members and bringing a piece of Asbury Fellowship to their homes!
Elizabeth Church Judy Messenger
Published: Jan. 6, 2023
Sundays, 9:45 am, 1040 Butlers Pantry and Zoom (
Join us in the Butler’s Pantry in-person or on Zoom on Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:45. We will have faithful discussions covering myriad topics, and would love to have your voice be a part of our community! This Sunday, we will be watching Won’t You Be My Neighbor and considering some of the connections with our Community Outreach Center.
Published: Jan. 6, 2023
Friday, February 10, 6 pm, 1040 Fellowship Hall
Come and dine and dance for a cause. In the spirit of Love for those we know and those we can help—let's eat, dance and be merry! We will have a good will offering and the proceeds will go to our new Community Outreach Center. Live music will be provided by the 10 piece band called Different Every Time. The bass player for this band is a member of Asbury First, John Messenger. For those with little ones we will have a party for your children upstairs that will include dinner and fun.
Contact Paula Dugan for more information at or (585) 271-1050 x111
Published: Jan. 6, 2023
We are so proud of our 2022 high school and college graduates! Click here to read about their accomplishments. Congratulations to all of our graduates! We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
Published: Jan. 3, 2023
Auditions: Sunday, January 15, 12:30-5 pm, 1040 Wesley Hall
The Sound of Music is open to all ages. Children under 12 must be supervised to be in the show. Child care will be provided for auditions and rehearsals upon request. Rehearsals are Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. Not all cast members will be required to be at all rehearsals. Schedule pending review of conflict sheets. Plenty of opportunities for non-performing participants.
For more information, or to express interest please contact our Director of Theater Larry Dugan at or at 585-271-1050.
Published: Jan. 3, 2023
The Asbury Ringers have a few openings for ringers, starting this winter. We are looking for enthusiastic musicians who can read music, are open to learning bell techniques (or know bell technique from previous experiences) and can commit to our rehearsal and playing schedule. Our rehearsals are Wednesday evenings, 7–8:30, and we play (this winter/spring) in February, Easter Sunday, April 9, and in May. If you are interested and can make this commitment, please contact me and we'll have you come visit to see if the choir is a fit for you! Hope to hear from you!
Elizabeth Church
Director, Asbury Ringers
(585) 978-0007 (Text or call)