Published: Oct. 8, 2021
Saturday, October 16, 7 pm
University of Rochester's Skalny Center for Polish and Central European Studies sponsors a concert of Polish songs performed by acclaimed soprano Paulina Świerczek, accompanied by pianist Zachary Peterson. The concert features music of Moniuszko, Szymanowski, Lutoslawski, Bacewicz, Krajewski and others. For more information on the artists and program details click here. The program is open to the public; masks are required and distancing is encouraged.
Published: Oct. 8, 2021
Saturday, November 6, 9 am
Come join us on Saturday, November 6 for our Annual Grounds Clean Up. We will begin at 9 am. If you have rakes, leaf blowers, and tarps, please bring them! Please contact David Strong at or 585-271-1050 ext. 110 if you have any questions!
Published: Oct. 8, 2021
We are once again accepting electronic recycling items for Miracle Garden!
Following the 2004 Tsunami in south east India, Miracle Garden was established to provide a home and education for the orphans from that event. They continue to support children without care, and provide a quality education.
One small way we can support their mission is to bring in our old cell phones, small electronic gadgets, electronic accessories and toner cartridges and deposit them in the small wooden box by the Main Entrance (from the parking lot) to the Welcome Hall. Imagine It Recycling gives us a small amount for each item turned in, and they recycle these items so they don't go in the trash. If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Church at 585-978-0007. Thank you for your continued support of this worthy cause!
Published: Oct. 8, 2021
Sunday, October 17, 1040 Welcome Hall
Because of the pandemic and the need to plan months in advance, Dining In for Outreach will not take place this year. Annually, this event raises thousands of dollars used to provide needed services for guests at our on-campus and off-campus ministries. We remain committed both to keeping our church members safe and continuing our outreach efforts.
While we will not be gathering for meals and fellowship, we encourage you to continue your support of Outreach at Asbury First. As in previous years, your donation will be used to assist our neighbors near and far living in poverty. Through personal relationships, education, food and clothing relief, and medical care, we work together to share the love of Christ.
In this challenging hour, please consider making a special gift for Outreach. Donations may be made to Asbury First UMC, 1050 East Ave. Rochester, NY, 14607. Be sure to designate your gift for Outreach. Volunteers will also be available on the morning of Sunday, October 17 in the Welcome Hall to accept your donation.
Published: Oct. 8, 2021
Subscribe to our sermon podcast for an Automatic Download!
Did you know that you can listen to the Sunday sermon on our podcast? It is time to officially launch our Asbury First UMC — Sermon Podcast! If you’d like to check it out, you can find it at, or you can subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music Podcasts, and many more! Keep an eye out for a celebration of this new ministry.
Published: Oct. 1, 2021
Sundays, October 3
This Sunday, October 3, we will partake in our first Communion in person since March 2020. The fact that it coincides with World Communion Sunday, means that we will be together in the spirit and in the flesh with our siblings in Christ around the world. However, it will be a little different from usual. Due to the ongoing pandemic, we will supply individual Communion elements upon entering the sanctuary. This will help keep us safe as we connect with each other in this wonderful sacrament.
As a special treat, our pulpit and lectern will display new banners (or antependiums, Latin for “to hang before”) to celebrate World Communion Sunday. These beautiful, double-sided fabric pieces were lovingly created by Master Weaver, Jan Towsley. The works were commissioned by the Asbury Altar Guild in memory of our former member, Elaine Boyd.
Published: Oct. 1, 2021
Sunday, October 24, 12 pm, Sanctuary and Live Stream
In order to answer questions and hear from the congregation on open questions moving forward, the Governing Board will be hosting an Open Forum following the service on Sunday, October 24 in the sanctuary (and on the live stream). We have also put up a list of answers to FAQs on our website. If you have questions that you want us to be prepared to answer or would like us to put up on the website, please email For more information, visit
Published: Oct. 1, 2021
Wednesdays, 12 pm, Gathering Center
The Holy Longing — The Search for a Christian Spirituality by Ronald Rolheiser is WOW’s first reading journey through October 13. WOW selects books by voting on group suggestions. The next book, beginning on October 20, is The Next Right Thing — A Simple Soulful Practice for Making Life Decisions by Emily Freeman.
Women on Wednesday (WOW) is an ever-changing group of readers that meets weekly from September to June to explore books of current and thoughtful interest. All women readers are welcome. There are no Asbury or any other membership requirements. Participants move in and out of the group as schedules and busy lives allow — just bring your curiosity and interest in the world of reading and sharing ideas.
For questions or more information contact Mary Lynn Vickers at
Published: Sept. 30, 2021
If you happen to know of anyone who would be interested in leading a Girl Scout Troop, there are opportunities available. Training & assistance is available, and volunteers do not have to have children. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Laura Halewski at
Published: Sept. 30, 2021
Thanks so much to Asbury First for your generous support in this year's school supply drive. Thank you to all who answered the call to give. Your caring support will make a difference in these school communities. There is still an opportunity for you to join the Help Me Read Volunteers. For more information, please contact John Smalt 585-924-8624 or at
Published: Sept. 24, 2021
The vision of The Discipleship Project at Asbury First is to:
This fall, we’ve already started four small groups (styled “Classes” after the original Methodist small group) to focus on living out our faith in our everyday lives, while building deeper connections with others who seek the same. These groups meet weekly for one hour, and are shepherded by the Rev. Rachel Ann Dupont, Minister for Christian Formation and Director of The Discipleship Project. If you are interested in learning more, please visit If you’re ready to sign up for a small group, or would like to schedule a meeting with Rachel, please click here to fill out a form.
Published: Sept. 24, 2021
We are still adjusting to being back together after so long, so here are a few reminders from Joe Congregant to make sure we are all SAFE AND COMFORTABLE:
To watch, or re-watch, the “Welcome Back” video starring Joe Congregant, click here. The seating arrangements have changed, but the rest of the tips are still applicable. Thank you all for your continued effort in keeping everyone safe!
Published: Sept. 22, 2021
What a gift it has been to worship together again! While we are grateful for the technology that has connected us during the pandemic and recognize the many who continue to utilize that medium for worship, it has been a true blessing to be able to see people back in the pews. As we anticipated, we have learned some things over our first couple of weeks back that, in the interest of everyone’s safety, we believe warrant some new policies and reminders:
Thanks so much for all of the hard work that you have been doing to bring us back together safely. While it has been an adjustment, we firmly believe that the benefits of being together are worth the sacrifices we make to keep each other safe! For answers to frequently asked questions about our COVID policy, please click here. As always, don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Grace and Peace,
Published: Sept. 20, 2021
Did you miss the new Chancel Chat?
This week we focus on the past and creation “From the Dust.” To go with that theme, there will be a new Chancel Chat following the postlude with a blast from the past. Colleen Robinson discovered some old 8 mm film of a 1959 snowstorm in Rochester that features a snow-covered Asbury First. She was kind enough to share the footage with us. Stay tuned after the 11 am service to learn more about it!
To see the other episodes of Chancel Chats, click here.
Published: Sept. 19, 2021
To help keep us socially distant during worship, please take a look at the signs on the pews when you find a seat. To keep our “All Are Welcome” promise, the signs are positive and instruct you on where TO SIT, instead of where NOT TO SIT. The hearts on the sign indicate where is best to be on that particular pew. We appreciate your help in keeping everyone safe!