Published: Jan. 11, 2024
After the Rev. Dr. Stephen Cady leaves the pulpit, but before the interim arrives in March, he has invited several of his friends in ministry from near and far to share the gospel message of hope and inclusion. Please plan to join us each week for this exciting series.
January 28, 2024 : Rev. Jess Winderweedle
BIO: The Rev. Jess Winderweedle (she/her) is an elder in the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, and she is currently pursuing a PhD in Practical Theology (Homiletics) at Princeton Theological Seminary. Jess’s research interests center on the experiences of LGBTQ+ preachers in Mainline Protestant traditions. Jess grew up in Oklahoma, but she has called the East Coast home now for over 16 years. Before returning to school, Jess served as lead pastor at Kingston UMC where she also founded The Feed Truck, a mobile campus and community outreach ministry. She last preached at Asbury First in October.
February 4, 2024 : Rev. Jackie Nelson
BIO: Jackie, a native of Teaneck, NJ, joined the Asbury First staff in August 2017 as the Minister for Outreach. In September of 2021, Jackie joined the staff of Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School as the Director for Student Support Services and Coordinator for Spiritual Care, and has remained a part of the Asbury First team. She remains on staff as Preaching Associate, where she continues to share her gift and passion for preaching with our congregation.
February 11, 2024 : Rev. Bryant Clark
BIO: The Rev. Bryant Clark is a graduate of Boston University School of Theology. He was ordained an elder in 2022 and is currently serving at Marcellus United Methodist Church. Pastor Bryant is passionate about church renewal, lay leadership development, youth ministry and ministries of mercy and justice. His wife, Kristina, serves as Director of Missional Engagement for the Upper New York Annual Conference. Together they have two daughters, Camila and Ella. Pastor Bryant is a lifelong Methodist and believes that our collective faith not only gives our lives meaning but also gifts us with the opportunity to affect the world in profound ways.
February 18, 2024 : Rev. Katie McKay Simpson
BIO: The Rev. Katie McKay Simpson is the Senior Minister of University United Methodist Church in Baton Rouge, LA. For eighteen years, she has served as a pastor, community leader, and planter of new ministries among Louisiana congregations located in Bossier City and Lake Charles. She is a graduate of Centenary College of Louisiana and received her MDiv from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, IL and she is presently working toward a PhD in Organizational Leadership at Eastern University outside of Philadelphia. Katie has been an active voice for inclusion in the Annual, Jurisdictional and General Conference levels of The United Methodist Church. She is married to Taylor and together they have three children—Eva, Jack, and Sam.
February 25, 2024 : Rev. Joe Kim
BIO: The Rev. Joseph (Joe) D. Kim serves as Lead Pastor of Bothell United Methodist Church outside of Seattle, WA. He has served in and with communities of faith for over 15 years, both in the non-profit sector and in the local church. He has traveled around the world as a speaker, preacher, workshop leader and facilitator, encouraging people of faith to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with God. Joe is the husband to an incredibly talented artist and justice-seeker, Joann; dad to their two amazing children; hiking companion to their dog, Leigh; and caretaker of their four chickens and modest farm (read: garden beds). Joe loves being outdoors and traveling, and enjoys all things music and sports.
Published: Jan. 5, 2024
The Asbury Ringers, Asbury First’s adult handbell choir, is beginning rehearsals for spring and Easter, and we’d love to add you to our ranks! If you're able to read music, and are either new to handbells or a seasoned ringer, join us for weekly rehearsals, Wednesdays 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Please contact Elizabeth Church for more information at or 585-978-0007.
Published: Jan. 5, 2024
Rev. Dr. Stephen Cady on WXXI's Connections with Evan Dawson. The Rev. Dr. Stephen Cady sat down with Evan Dawson to discuss Cady's work in Rochester, the current state of the Methodist church, and the impact he's had on the community.
The broadcast can be streamed online at
Published: Jan. 5, 2024
Auditions for this Spring's production of Oliver! are taking place at the following times:
Call Backs are Saturday February 3 at 1 pm.
For questions, please contact Larry Dugan at
Published: Dec. 22, 2023
Wednesdays, January 3, 10, 17, 24, Fellowship Hall
Wednesday, January 31 and February 7, Sanctuary
Join us in the Fellowship Hall on Wednesday evenings from 6-7pm, January 3-February 7 for engaging and educational conversation. These vital conversations will help us take steps toward diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in our individual, congregational, and community lives. All are welcome! We encourage you to come to all of the conversations, but if you can't make it to all, you can still benefit from attending when you can. This program is designed and led by Rev. Rachel Dupont and members of the Racial Equity leadership team. For more information, please contact Rachel at
Published: Dec. 22, 2023
Wednesday, January 3, from 6-7 pm, Room 201
All children, grades 2nd - 5th, are invited to participate in our children’s musical, Esther.
Esther was an orphan raised by her cousin Mordecai and was chosen to be the new queen of Persia. She saved the Jewish people from being killed even knowing it may cost her life. Purim, a Jewish holiday which commemorates Esther’s saving of the Jewish people, is still celebrated today.
Rehearsals begin Wednesday, January 3, from 6-7 pm during the Wesley Singers & Ringers rehearsal time, in Room 201. The musical will be presented during the 11 am service on Sunday, April 28.
Published: Dec. 22, 2023
Saturday, January 13, 4pm, Sanctuary
We celebrate the upcoming wedding of Christopher Gold and Cory Tylenda on Saturday, January 13, at 4 pm in the Sanctuary. This important milestone will be Asbury First's first same-sex wedding! It's truly an accomplishment due to the continued support and resolve of inclusiveness on behalf of the members of Asbury First. Chris and Cory welcome all members of Asbury First to attend the ceremony and a cookie reception in the Gathering Center.
Published: Dec. 22, 2023
January 7 - The Rev. Kathy Thiel to discuss her role as Minister for Congregational Care
January 14 - Bill Wynne, author of Understanding and Combating Racism to talk about his story
January 21 - Bill Wynne to help us react and respond to our own stories
January 28 - Lori Young to discuss her role as Director of Property Care
All are welcome, contact Mike Mullin at for more information.
Published: Dec. 8, 2023
Please join us in welcoming our new Director of Communications, David Stith. Raised in Buffalo, David comes to us most recently from NYC where he worked on the design team at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and was an Art Director in the NYC new classical music scene. We are excited to have him here at Asbury First! David can be contacted at or at 585-271-1050 x109.
Published: Dec. 8, 2023
During the Christmas season, our attention is drawn to the abundance in our lives. As Christian disciples, we believe that abundance should be shared. As we exchange gifts with loved ones at Christmas, let us also consider gifts that we can offer to those in our midst who need them most.
For more information visit
Published: Dec. 1, 2023
Did you hear the Asbury Orchestra in worship recently, and think, “I’d like to do that”? Join us December 3rd and 10th at 9:30 in Wesley Hall to rehearse Christmas carols. We will play in the Gathering Center after worship on December 17th. All are invited to join the fun!
Questions contact Laurie Kennedy at
Published: Dec. 1, 2023
Save the dates for these favorite Advent events!
Caroling around the tree
Wednesdays December 6, 13, 20, 7 pm, 1040 Front Lawn
Longest Night Service
Thursday, December 21, 7 pm, 1040 Sanctuary
Advent Devotionals are available in the Welcome Hall! This year, we're printing weekly versions, so look for them each Sunday.
For more information or to view the Advent Devotional visit
Published: Dec. 1, 2023
This Christmas Eve, a most Holy night, we want to show our Asbury First hospitality to all that come to worship with us. Please start bringing your yummy bakes, cookies and bars to the Gathering Center kitchen. If you’d like your container returned to you, please label it clearly with your name.
Questions? Contact Paula Dugan at
Published: Dec. 1, 2023
2nd Tuesday of the month, 6:30 pm, Youth Room (1040, lower level)
TransParent Rochester NY Chapter is a support group for parents and caregivers raising a transgender or gender-expansive child of any age. TransParent strives to provide an environment that encourages parents and caregivers to speak openly about their experience, speak freely about concerns, challenges, triumphs, pitfalls or new developments and make new connections with other local families who can relate to this experience--with no judgments or unsolicited advice. You are not alone. We are all here to help each other navigate this journey.
Please fill out this brief intake survey prior to the meeting We value privacy and confidentiality, your information is not shared without written consent. This information is for data gathering purposes only.
We look forward to meeting you on December 12.
Bonnie, Patty, and Terri, Chapter Leaders
Published: Dec. 1, 2023
Saturday, December 9, 7:30 pm
Madrigalia sings its annual Holiday Concert! Experience an expansive interpretation of the December holidays, with works of Hanukkah, Christmas, celebrations both secular and sacred, meditations on winter, and words of hope.
Joined by the Bach Children's Chorus of Rochester and an instrumental ensemble of flute, violin, cello, percussion, and piano.
Tickets starting at $10. More information at or by calling 585-230-2894