
  • Important Staffing News


    Published: Sept. 26, 2023

    It is with a heavy heart and profound gratitude for her contributions that I announce that Sarah Brubaker, our Director of Communications, will be leaving Asbury First on October 15. Sarah joined the Asbury First family in 2019 and has not only brought our communications to a new level, but was one of the primary reasons we were able to stay connected during the pandemic. For that, and so many other things, we will be eternally grateful. Sarah and her family will be relocating to St. Louis, MO, where her husband, Jeff, has accepted a teaching position at a local college. Please join me in thanking Sarah for her service to Asbury First and all of the ways that she has helped us do more good during her time here.

    Given the importance of the Director of Communications role, we will be looking to fill this position as quickly as possible. We ask for your patience and grace in advance as we navigate this transition. After October 15 and until further notice, please direct all communications needs/inquiries to

    If you know someone who might be interested in the Director of Communications position, please encourage them to check out the position here.

    Grace and Peace,

  • New Sunday School Class — Spiritual Perspectives


    Published: Sept. 21, 2023

    Sundays, Beginning October 1, 9–10:15 am, 1050 Teak Room

    On Sunday, October 1, you are invited to join a new Sunday School class. We will meet in the Teak Room in the 1050 church office building from 9–10:15 am with a format focusing on weekly conversation about connections. Each week a different person will present a brief devotion, and through dialogue about the topic, we will discover the places we connect through sharing ideas and experiences.

    While we recognize that there is always room for grace, and that life happens, we hope that you will commit to a three-month period of attending this class. This ensures some continuity and builds community and trust, and helps us get to know each other a little better.

    If you have any questions, please contact the Rev. Kathy Thiel at 585-271-1050 x106, or

  • Rainbow Sunday


    Published: Sept. 21, 2023

    October 15

    The rainbow has long been a sign of God’s promise of love and our need for hope. In that spirit, you are invited to wear rainbow to worship on Sunday October 15 as we celebrate and show support for members of the LGBTQ community in honor of national Coming Out Day. We will be joined by a guest preacher, the Rev. Jess Winderweedle, who will help us celebrate God’s good gift of love in all of its prismatic beauty!

    About our Guest Preacher

    The Rev. Jess Winderweedle (she/her) is an elder in the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, and she is currently pursuing a PhD in Practical Theology (Homiletics) at Princeton Theological Seminary. Jess’s research interests center on the experiences of LGBTQ+ preachers in Mainline Protestant traditions. Jess grew up in Oklahoma, but she has called the East Coast home now for over 16 years. Before returning to school, Jess served as lead pastor at Kingston UMC where she also founded The Feed Truck, a mobile campus and community outreach ministry.

  • In This Moment Book Launch at George Eastman Museum


    Published: Sept. 14, 2023

    Monday, October 2, 7–8:45 pm, George Eastman Museum's Dryden Theater, 900 East Avenue

    The event is free, but you can register by clicking here.

    We are invited to the next book launch of the In This Moment workshop at George Eastman Museum’s Dryden Theatre. The book launch and community discussion will celebrate the release of chapbooks 7 and 8 from the second series of In This Moment. Chapbook 7 features Dr. Linda Clark, Chief Medical Officer Jordan Health, with an essay by Lisa Maria Rickman and photographs by Cocoa Rae, Chapbook 8 features Melanie Mama Mel Funchess, CEO/Principal Ubuntu Village Works, with an essay by Quajay and photographs by Natalia Lauer. VSW Assistant Curator Hernease Davis will moderate a discussion with artists involved in the project. The chapbooks will be distributed for free at the event as well.

  • Improving Campus Security/Access to Campus Buildings


    Published: Sept. 14, 2023

    You may have noticed that all buildings on the Asbury First campus now have key-fob entry at the main entrances. This is in response to Rochester Police Department site security surveys in 2017 and this past Spring, which included among many observations and recommendations, that we secure our buildings. This brings greater security to our campus and allows us to lock and unlock our doors remotely. The next step in our project is to re-key the remaining exterior doors which do not have fob access. This will move forward within the next month. Please note, if you have an exterior door key (not the interior “A” key – these will not change), it will no longer work once this project is complete. If you need exterior door access to a building, please contact Deb Bullock-Smith and she can work with you to meet your needs.

    Our goal is to have volunteer receptionists at the 1040 building to greet people, respond to questions, and to provide access for those individuals who may not have access via key-fob.

  • Asbury First Mini-Golf Outing!


    Published: Sept. 14, 2023

    Saturday, October 21, Champions Mini Golf in Macedon
    Tee times starting at 9 am, $11 per adult, $9 per under-15

    Our youth will be hosting our first-ever Asbury First Mini-Golf Outing, with all proceeds to support our youth missions. Just like the full-size golf outings, we will have mini-games and prizes for the best golfers and teams — and we will even be giving away a free mini-car to those that can get a hole-in-one on a particular hole. The costs to play are $11 for adults, and $9 for kids 15 and under. Tee times will be available starting next week, with options to sign up as a team, or to have us create a team for you. Questions? Contact Mike Mullin at

  • Items Needed for the Storehouse


    Published: Sept. 14, 2023

    It's time to clean out your closets and help out the Storehouse. We are in need of the items listed below. Donations can be dropped off at the Community Outreach Center (COC) Mondays–Thursdays between 9 am–3 pm, or left in the donation building outside of the COC. Thanks for your generous support!

    Current Household Needs:

    • Towels (bath, hand and washcloths)
    • Cereal bowls
    • Drinking glasses
    • Spoons and forks
    • Pots and fry pans

    Current Clothing Needs:

    • Mens and Women's Winter Coats (no wool) in sizes XXL and larger
    • Men's jeans
    • Men's pajamas
    • Boy's pants and shirts in sizes 6, 7 and 8
    • Children's sneakers (sizes 9-13)
  • Dining In For Outreach Returns!


    Published: Sept. 14, 2023

    Saturday, November 4, 5 pm Appetizers in the Gathering Center, 6 pm Host Dinners

    This November sees the return of the tradition of Dining In For Outreach, which is the biggest annual fundraiser that supports our Community Outreach Center (COC). Members of our congregation and community gather together for hors d'oeuvres before attending smaller dinner parties hosted in private homes. Dinner party attendees are asked to make contributions to the work of the COC. A dinner party is also held in the Community Outreach Center itself that is open to anyone who wishes to attend without expectation of a contribution.

    For further information or to volunteer, please contact Erica Coburn or Tim Mahan at, or sign up in person on Sunday mornings. Be sure to save the date – Saturday, November 4! All are welcome at the table!

  • Asbury Orchestra Returns, Join us!


    Published: Sept. 14, 2023

    Sundays, Beginning September 24, 9:30 am, Wesley Hall

    The Asbury Orchestra will begin rehearsals on Sunday, September 24 at 9:30 am in Wesley Hall. We will work to prepare to play for the Sunday, October 29 service. This ensemble is for all ages, and for everyone who plays or has played a band or orchestra instrument for at least two to three years. Parents, do you have an instrument under the bed gathering dust? Pull it out and join your child in making music together. Let Laurie Kennedy know that you are coming or send an email for more information at

  • Asbury First Book Read: "Your Children Are Very Greatly in Danger"


    Published: Sept. 14, 2023

    Wednesdays, October 4, 11, 18, 25, 6–7 pm, 1040 Sanctuary and Zoom ( PW Disciple)

    Many of us had the opportunity to read and discuss 400 Souls together last year. Following that read, there was a clear call to continue these conversations with a focus on Rochester. With that in mind, we hope you will join us during the month of October as we read through Your Children Are Very Greatly in Danger by Justin Murphy. This book highlights the history and realities of our segregated school systems, and offers some ideas and suggestions about how we might advocate for change.

    All are encouraged to read along with us, and to join in our public discussions on Wednesdays from 6–7 pm. On October 4, we will be joined by representatives from the Kairos Center for Religions, Rights & Social Justice and the NYS Poor People's Campaign, who will help set the stage on a national level for some of the disparities and challenges that we will encounter 
as we read through Murphy's book. Please contact Mike Mullin with questions or for more information at

    Copies of the book are available for purchase ($27) by contacting the church office at 585-271-1050 x100.

    Participants are encouraged to read the following before each gathering:
    October 4 — The Introduction

    October 11 — Chapters 1-3
    October 18 — Chapters 4-6
    October 19 — Chapters 7-8 
and the Conclusion

  • COC Volunteer Orientation


    Published: Sept. 8, 2023

    Wednesday, September 20, 6:30-8 pm, COC Dining & Caring Center

    Friday, September 23, 10-11:30 am, COC Dining & Caring Center

    Are you as excited about the new Community Outreach Center (COC)as we are? Then come on over and learn about volunteering at the COC! All of our outreach programs depend on volunteer time, energy and labor. We would not be able to offer our neighborhood the same kind of hospitality, solidarity and compassion without our dedicated community of servant-leaders. Learn about ways we can help as a community, and important safety information. Questions? Contact the Rev. Pat Dupont at or at 585-271-1050 x136.

  • Allergy and EPI Pen Training


    Published: Sept. 7, 2023

    Tuesday, October 3, 7–8:30 pm, COC Red Room

    The Allergy Association will provide an informational session about allergies and using an EPI pen in the Red Room (in the Community Outreach Center) from 7 to 8:30 pm on October 3. This is helpful information and will benefit our volunteers, staff, and members in how they respond to a crisis. Visit to register online, or call the church office 
at 585-271-1050.

  • Disciple III Bible Studies Returns September 15 and 19


    Published: Sept. 1, 2023

    Fridays, Beginning September 15, 9:30-10:30, Zoom ( PW Disciple)
    Tuesdays, Beginning September 19, 2:30–3 pm, Zoom ( PW Disciple)

    The Disciple Bible Study series encourages participants to read portions of the Bible everyday, and offers a study guide to help focus our thoughts and questions. We gather together in community to share, reflect, and learn from one another on the readings from the week. This fall, we have two Disciple Bible Study groups that will both be meeting on Zoom.

    Friday mornings will be led by Mike Mullin, and will be starting the second half of Disciple III which focuses on the Pauline Epistles. Tuesday afternoons will be led by Ruthellen Hoyle, and will be starting at the beginning of Disciple III, which focuses on the Old Testament prophets. Both groups are open to all. Please contact Mike Mullin with questions or for more information at or at 585-271-1050 x105.

  • 1050 Driveway Change


    Published: Sept. 1, 2023

    Along with the driveway sealing and re-painting of the lines in our parking lot and driveways, the driveway next to 1050 now has 2-way access (like the 1010 driveway), 
and the parallel parking there has been eliminated. Please be careful as you use this driveway (in either direction) while everyone gets accustomed to this change.

  • The Discipleship Project


    Published: Sept. 1, 2023

    We are thrilled to announce year three of The Discipleship Project at Asbury First will officially begin this Fall! If you are looking for a small group focused on mutual support in faith, this might be the place for you!

    Over the course of The Discipleship Project, we will move “From Dreaming to Doing” in thoughtful weekly discussions that are framed by the liturgical seasons in the life of the church. Groups work together to navigate the path of integrating inward and outward expressions of faith and action.

    Groups are forming in September and will begin in October. If you are interested in participating in The Discipleship Project, please contact Rev. Rachel Ann Dupont at or 585-271-1050 x113.