
  • Bakers! We need your talents!


    Published: Dec. 1, 2023

    This Christmas Eve, a most Holy night, we want to show our Asbury First hospitality to all that come to worship with us. Please start bringing your yummy bakes, cookies and bars to the Gathering Center kitchen. If you’d like your container returned to you, please label it clearly with your name.

    Questions? Contact Paula Dugan at

  • TransParent Support Group


    Published: Dec. 1, 2023

    2nd Tuesday of the month, 6:30 pm, Youth Room (1040, lower level)

    TransParent Rochester NY Chapter is a support group for parents and caregivers raising a transgender or gender-expansive child of any age. TransParent strives to provide an environment that encourages parents and caregivers to speak openly about their experience, speak freely about concerns, challenges, triumphs, pitfalls or new developments and make new connections with other local families who can relate to this experience--with no judgments or unsolicited advice. You are not alone. We are all here to help each other navigate this journey. 

    Please fill out this brief intake survey prior to the meeting  We value privacy and confidentiality, your information is not shared without written consent. This information is for data gathering purposes only.  

    We look forward to meeting you on December 12.  

    Bonnie, Patty, and Terri, Chapter Leaders 

  • Madrigalia Holiday Concert


    Published: Dec. 1, 2023

    Saturday, December 9, 7:30 pm

    Madrigalia sings its annual Holiday Concert! Experience an expansive interpretation of the December holidays, with works of Hanukkah, Christmas, celebrations both secular and sacred, meditations on winter, and words of hope.

    Joined by the Bach Children's Chorus of Rochester and an instrumental ensemble of flute, violin, cello, percussion, and piano.

    Tickets starting at $10. More information at or by calling 585-230-2894

  • An Important Announcement


    Published: Nov. 29, 2023

    To the Asbury First Family,

    It is with very mixed emotions we share with you news that the Rev. Dr. Stephen Cady has accepted an offer to become President of Brite Divinity School in Fort Worth, Texas. Brite, located on the campus of Texas Christian University, has a distinguished history as the leading progressive divinity school in the South and Southwest, and is affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). It is also approved by the United Methodist Church to train candidates for UMC ministry and has more UMC students than any other constituency. Stephen’s last Sunday preaching will be January 21 and he will complete his transition in February.

    We are very glad that Stephen can take this wonderful next step in his ministry, one that will give him opportunities to expand the impact he has had at Asbury First to a broader national level. We congratulate him on this honor. Our prayers will be with Stephen, Emily, Ellie, Charlie, and Hannah as they begin this exciting next chapter of their lives.

    We also feel a deep sense of loss over Stephen’s departure. Through his inspired leadership we dreamed dreams, opened our Church to all, weathered COVID, built an online presence extending around the country and beyond, raised $8 million through the Better Together Campaign to create an amazing Community Outreach Center, enhanced our musical offerings, welcomed new members, expanded our ministries, and worked toward Doing More Good in many other ways. We have been enriched and challenged by some of the finest preaching in the country. Stephen is leaving Asbury First on solid ground and will be greatly missed. In the coming months, there will be several opportunities to thank Stephen in tangible ways for his work among us, but during this transition period, continuation of the vibrancy of the ministries he has fostered will be our highest tribute to the lasting impact he has had.

    The Senior Minister at Asbury First is appointed by the Bishop. We have been in communication with Bishop Héctor Burgos Núñez, who recognizes the unique role played by our Church within the Conference. He has committed to a nation-wide search for the right replacement, and we will have a liaison group working through the process with him. We will share more details about the transition period over the next few weeks.

    The uncertainties presented by this time of change may seem overwhelming, but we are confident that the strength of our congregation, our shared commitment to our faith and vision, and the vibrancy of our ministries will carry us through. As our favorite preacher often reminds us, the good news is that, with God’s grace, we do not need to face this time alone.

    Grace and Peace,
    Beth Wilkens
    Governance Board Chair

    James Quinn
    Pastor Parish Relations Committee Chair

  • DIFO/Grocery Run Thank You Message


    Published: Nov. 10, 2023

    Thank you so much to all who participated in both the Grocery Run and Dining In For Outreach last weekend as runners, spectators, sponsors, dinner hosts, guests, and donors. Both events were a huge success and we raised a great deal of support for our continuing work of serving our city through the Community Outreach Center. We are counting donations that are still coming in, but will share and celebrate the weekend's impact when we have that information available. Thank you again!

  • Barnes & Noble Bookfair


    Published: Nov. 10, 2023

    Saturday, December 9, 2023

    3349 Monroe Avenue, Pittsford, NY

    Thanks to those who have supported Asbury First's Library!

    There's still time to show your support!

    Book Fair ID #12688545

    A percentage of the sales goes to the Asbury First Library and is used to add to the library's book collection. Can’t make it to Pittsford? No problem. Books may be purchased online from December 9 – 13 at Make sure to use the Book Fair ID #12688545.

    Thanks for your support of our incredible library!

  • New Member’s Classes New Location


    Published: Nov. 2, 2023

    In-Person: Sunday, November 5, 12:30-1:30 pm, 1010 Red Room (new location!), Lunch served.

    Hybrid: Wednesday, November 8, 7 pm, 1010 Red Room (new location!) and Zoom (

    Are you interested in joining Asbury First? We are pleased to be offering the next round of New Members Classes for any and all interested in joining Asbury First. Our hope is to have everyone join on Sunday, November 12.

    You need not register to attend, but if you know that you will be there, we’d love to know! Simply email Deb Bullock-Smith at or call 585-271-1050.

  • Asbury First Christmas Pageant


    Published: Nov. 2, 2023

    Register by Sunday, November 26

    Calling all Shepherds and Angels! We would love to have your child be part of Asbury First's Christmas pageant this year on December 24, at 4 pm. Children 4 years old through 5th grade are invited to participate. Rehearsals occur Sundays in December during Children’s Sunday School immediately following the Children's Time in the 11 o'clock service. Our first rehearsal is Sunday, December 3.

    Registration Forms can be found in the Welcome Hall and the 2nd floor of the education wing or visit to sign up. For questions or more information, contact Paula Dugan at

  • Advent Communion


    Published: Nov. 2, 2023

    Older Adults are invited to join us for a time of favorite hymns and Advent communion, as well as an opportunity to talk with Kathy and Stephen, over punch and cookies. Feel free to attend 1, 2 or all 3 services, to connect with long-time friends and begin the Advent season. All are welcome!

    • Monday, November 27, 2 pm, Linden Knolls, 81 Linden Avenue, lower dining room
    • Tuesday, November 28, 2 pm, The Highlands at Pittsford, 100 Hahnemann Trail. Music Room. Hearing loop available.
    • Wednesday, November 29, 2 pm, St John’s Meadows, 1 Johnsarbor Drive West (off of Elmwood), Multi-function Room

    Any questions? Please call Barbara Eltinge, 737-8875.

    We look forward to seeing you!

  • Older Adults Luncheon


    Published: Nov. 2, 2023

    Saturday, December 2, Fellowship Hall

    Our Older Adults are invited to the Christmas Luncheon which will take place on Saturday, December 2nd in Fellowship Hall. There will be a Christmas themed program at 11:30 am, so plan to arrive by 11:15 am. Lunch will be served after the program, about 12 pm. All Older Adults are invited to attend. If you have questions, or if you plan to attend, please contact Barbara Eltinge at or (585) 737-8775. The snow date is Saturday, December 16th and we hope that by scheduling a snow date the weather on December 2nd will be sunny and mild.

  • Advent Winter Wonder Night


    Published: Nov. 2, 2023

    Sunday, December 3, 5 pm, Gathering Center

    Asbury First's Children's Ministry invites you to bring your kids and come enjoy breakfast for dinner, Christmas music, and a special Christmas story at 5 pm on Sunday, December 3. Please don your pajamas as we share the magic of the season with you and your family. Please RSVP to Paula Dugan by November 29 at or (585) 271-1050 x 111. 

  • Women of the Well


    Published: Nov. 2, 2023

    Tuesday, December 5, 7 pm – 8 pm

    On December 5th, all are invited to an evening of story telling about women of faith, including Mary and Elizabeth.  

    Save the date of March 19th when the Women of the Well will present a Lenten themed program titled "Certain Women." 

    If you have any questions, please contact Deb Bullock-Smith at or at 585-271-1050 x117. 

  • Dining in for Outreach


    Published: Oct. 27, 2023

    Saturday, November 4, 5 pm Appetizers in the Gathering Center, 6 pm Host Dinners

    This November sees the return of the tradition 
of Dining In For Outreach, which is the biggest annual 
fundraiser that supports all of our outreach ministry 
work. Members of our congregation and community 
gather together for appetizers before attending smaller 
dinner parties hosted in private homes. A dinner party 
is also held in the COC itself that is open  to anyone who 
wishes to attend without expectation of a contribution.
    For further information or to volunteer, please contact Erica Coburn or Tim Mahan at, or sign up in person on Sunday mornings. Be sure to save the date — Saturday, November 4! All are welcome at the table!

  • Halloween Candy Donations


    Published: Oct. 27, 2023

    Sunday, November 5, Welcome Desk

    Need to get your unwanted Halloween candy out of your home? Children’s Ministry is collecting unwanted Halloween candy next Sunday, November 5th, so that we can package it up for the grocery bag ministry and our guests at the Dining and Caring Center. Please leave your donations at the Welcome Desk.

  • Sewers Needed


    Published: Oct. 27, 2023

    Asbury First's Children's Ministry is in need of help to hem and/or repair a handful of choir robes and Christmas pageant costumes. If you are willing please contact Holly Temming, Children’s Ministry Assistant, at or (585) 271-1050 x114.