
  • Hanging of the Greens


    Published: Nov. 27, 2022

     Saturday, December 3, 10 am

    Please join us on Saturday, December 3 from 10 am to 1 pm as we gather together for the return of the Hanging of the Greens. Come when you can! Families are welcome and there will be activities for kids.

    Contact Amy Allen with any questions at or at (585) 738-9128.

  • Contemplative Service (Taizé)


    Published: Nov. 27, 2022

    Wednesdays during Advent, 6:15 pm, 1040 Sanctuary

    A contemplative service featuring moments of silent reflection and musical interludes.

  • Caroling Around the Tree


    Published: Nov. 27, 2022

    Wednesdays 12/7 & 12/14, 7 pm, 1040 Front Lawn 

    Come join us for singing carols around the tree on the front lawn in front of the church every Wednesday during Advent!


  • Longest Night Service


    Published: Nov. 27, 2022

    Wednesday, December 21, 7 pm, 1040 Sanctuary

    This reflective moment of worship is a sacred space for those who may feel a special pain or hardship—whether from the loss of a loved one, loneliness around the holidays, and more. Please join us on Wednesday, December 21 at 7 pm for this unique and meaningful service.

  • Asbury First Christmas Pageant


    Published: Nov. 21, 2022

    Register by Sunday, December 4 

    Calling all Shepherds and Angels! We would love to have your children be part of Asbury's Christmas pageant this year on December 24, at 4 pm. Children 4 years old through 5th grade are invited to participate. Rehearsals occur Sundays in December during Enrichment following the Children's Time in the 11 o'clock service. Our first rehearsal is Sunday, December 4.

    Registration Forms can be found in the Welcome Hall and the 2nd floor or click here to sign up. For questions or more information, contact Paula Dugan at


  • Women of the Well—Waiting for God


    Published: Nov. 21, 2022

    Monday, December 5, 7 pm

    Advent is upon us! Did you ever wonder about the family of Jesus? The lives of so many who preceded him? The stories of women in his genealogy, from whom we seldom hear? If so, please join the "Women of the Well" on Monday evening, December 5, 7-8 pm, in the Church sanctuary. In our program, "Waiting for God," we will be telling a few stories of his ancestors in faith, and we would love to see you there!  

  • Parking Lot Work


    Published: Nov. 21, 2022

    Work has begun in our parking lot to address some significant drain issues. The work will take about a week to complete. The affected area will be designated via cones and caution tape. We ask that you do not park is that designated area to ensure that we make the area as safe and secure as possible. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

  • Boy Scout Troop 19 Holiday Fundraising


    Published: Nov. 21, 2022

    Once again, Tay House Boy Scout Troop 19 is selling holiday wreaths to benefit scout activities for the next year. Our long-lasting wreaths are 22 inches, made with balsam fir and white pine, and decorated with pinecones and a bow by our troop.

    Orders must be placed by November 14 by visiting All ordered wreaths will be available to pick up at Asbury Church on November 27. Please reference ASBURY for accurate delivery.

    Thank you for your support!

  • Winter Wonder Night


    Published: Nov. 10, 2022

    Sunday, December 11, 5-7 pm, Gathering Center 

    Asbury First's Children's Ministry invites you to bring your kids and come enjoy breakfast for dinner, Christmas music, and a special Christmas story at 5 pm on Sunday, December 11. Please don your pajamas as we share the magic of the season with you and your family. 

    Please RSVP to Paula Dugan by December 4th at or (585) 271-1050 x 111. 


  • Property Care Update—Restroom Issues


    Published: Nov. 10, 2022

    Many of you may have noticed that the 1040 lower-level women’s restroom sinks (i.e., restroom adjacent to the Butler’s Pantry and restroom in the Bridal Suite) are out of order. This is unfortunate for many reasons, particularly at with Snoopy rehearsals and performances and other events/meetings going on, we are experiencing these types of issues more frequently as our buildings age.

    This specific plumbing is a significant one and is going to require the digging into the floor to access the pipes. Contractors will be here at the end of the month (at the earliest) to address the issue. In the meantime, we are “converting” the men’s room in the sub-narthex to a women’s restroom. We ask that men and boys use the men’s restroom next to the Maintenance Shop.

    Thank you for your patience, understanding, and cooperation.

  • Habitat Pies—Pick Up Date—Tuesday, November 22


    Published: Nov. 10, 2022

    Tuesday, November 22, Welcome Hall

    Thank you for ordering pies and supporting Asbury First’s participation in the building of another home for our community in conjunction with Flower City Habitat for Humanity. If you have pre-ordered a pie, they will be available for pick-up on Tuesday, November 22 from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. in the Welcoming Hall. Questions – contact Bob Castle at


  • Shop the Asbury First Book Fair at Barnes & Noble


    Published: Nov. 10, 2022

    Saturday, November 12, 10 am–8 pm, Barnes & Noble Pittsford Plaza
    Books may be ordered online from November 11-16
    Book Fair ID #12633541

    Shopping for some intriguing literature, some fun fiction, or a gift for a special person? You can buy books AND support the Asbury First Library at the same time during the Barnes & Noble Book Fair! A percentage of the sales goes to the Asbury First Library and is used to add to the library's book collection. Can’t make it to Pittsford? No problem. Books may be purchased online from November 12–16 at Make sure to use the Book Fair ID #12633541. Thanks for your support of our incredible library!

  • Halloween Candy Donations


    Published: Nov. 2, 2022

    Sunday, November 13, Welcome Desk

    Need to get your unwanted Halloween candy out of your home? Children’s ministry is collecting the unwanted candy next Sunday the 13th, so that we can package them up for the grocery bag ministry and for college care packages. Please leave your donations at the Welcome Desk. Thanks!

  • Gentle Yoga—New Class on Thursdays!


    Published: Nov. 2, 2022

    Tuesdays, 3 pm, Gathering Center, $10 at the door
    Thursdays, 4 pm, Gathering Center, $10 at the door

    Dear Asbury Yoga Friends,

    I hope you all are well and enjoying the beautiful autumn days!  

    Friendly reminder that we will be back on our mats on Tuesday, November 8th at 3pm, in the Gathering Center. I am also very happy to inform you that I will be offering another yoga class on Thursdays at 4pm, starting Thursday, November 10th, in the Gathering Center. I plan to offer this twice per week schedule until the end of 2022.  

    I hope to see you all soon. Feel free to reach out with any questions at

    Gentle Yoga Schedule

    Tuesday at 3 pm:      Thursday at 4 pm:
    11/8                             11/10
    11/15                           11/17
    11/22                           12/1
    11/29                           12/8
    12/6                             12/15
    12/13                           12/22


  • Habitat Pies—Last Sundays to Order October 30 and November 6


    Published: Oct. 28, 2022

    Sundays, October 23, October 30, and November 6, Welcome Hall

    It’s time to make sure you have Pie on the table for Thanksgiving dinner – Apple Crumb, Pecan, Strawberry Rhubarb, Pumpkin or Rumbleberry from Special Touch Bakery. The price of each pie is $18 ($20 for Pecan). The Pies are baked by Special Touch Bakery (School of the Holy Childhood). This is an annual fund-raising event for the Flower City Habitat for Humanity and $6 of the cost goes directly into the Harvest Home Coalition fund to support the house we are building for Jennifer and her family at 396 Garson Ave. Order and pay for your pies in the Welcoming Hall on Sundays – October 30 and November 6. The pies can be picked up on Tuesday, November 22 from 1:00-5:00 p.m. So, please support Asbury First’s participation in the building of another home for our community and get a delicious pie as well. Come and see us in the Welcoming Hall.