
  • Drive-Thru Food Drive


    Published: June 1, 2023

    Saturday, June 17, 9 am–12 pm, 1010 Community Outreach Center

    Inflation, supply chain issues, and more continue to make things difficult for people to get food and nutrition in a post-pandemic world. We need your help to support the Dining & Caring Center and the Grocery Bag Ministry! As you do your own shopping in the coming days, please consider collecting items for donation that would be useful for these amazing ministries and those in need.

    Needed items:

    Dining & Caring Center:

    • Granola bars
    • Hot chocolate 
    • Paper towels
    • Napkins
    • Coffee
    • Sugar

    Hygiene Items:

    • Toilet paper
    • Tooth brushes
    • Tooth paste
    • Shampoos

    Grocery Bag Ministry:

    • Peanut butter (plain)
    • Jelly (grape, strawberry)
    • Pasta (spaghetti or macaroni)
    • Pasta Sauce (plastic jar preferred)
    • Tuna
    • Soup (chicken noodle or Tomato)
    • Canned Vegetables (green beans, corn)
    • Canned Fruit (peaches, cocktail)
    • Mac-n-Cheese
  • Youth Mission Prayer Partners


    Published: June 1, 2023

    This summer, we will have about 50 youth and adults participating in our middle school and high school summer mission trips. Our high school youth will be headed to Tucson, Arizona for a border immersion trip in July, and our middle school youth will be helping out with Vacation Bible School and various local agencies in August. 

    We would like at least one congregation member to commit to be in prayer for each one of our missioners (both youth and adult) while they are on their trips. In addition to committing to prayer, we would also like you to write a note of encouragement to the missioner, which they will receive midway through their week.

    If you sign up to be a prayer partner, you will be assigned a youth or adult to pray for, and you will be sent a brief bio to help you learn a bit more about the individual.

    To sign up, please contact Mike Mullin ( or 585-271-1050 x105) and let him know if you would like to be a prayer partner for the high school trip, the middle school trip—or both! If you have a particular missioner you would like to be paired with, you may share that with Mike as well. 

  • DeCycles Group Stopping at Asbury First


    Published: June 1, 2023

    Monday, June 26

    Help us welcome the deCycles group on Monday, June 26. The deCycles — a cross country cycling youth group based in Bloomington, Indiana — will pedal their bicycles 1500- miles in 23-days from Bloomington, Indiana to the Atlantic Coast in Maine. Most of the riders are new to cycling and have trained diligently to prepare for this trip. They will cycle 600-miles through Indiana, Ohio, and New York along the shorelines of Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, and the St. Lawrence River. The remaining 900-miles will be through New England, Vermont, New Hampshire and all the way to the Atlantic coastline of Maine.

  • NOTA Farmers Market Returns


    Published: June 1, 2023

    Mondays, beginning June 19, 4–7 pm, Granger Lawn

    Summer is back and so is the NOTA Farmers Market! Opening night is Monday, June 19 at 4 pm on Granger Lawn, and we hope you have it on your calendar as we don't think you will want to miss it! The vendor lineup is still being finalized, but there will be THREE produce vendors, plenty of sweet treats, dog-friendly products, books, and so much more. 
    The NOTA Farmers Market is a great way for Asbury First to support and be a part of the community around us. Make it a part of your week and stop by on Monday evenings from 4–7 pm for some local treats and community fellowship.

  • Historic Sunday Morning Classes


    Published: May 31, 2023

    During our renovations of 1010, we heard many wonderful stories about the educational and social programs and events that took place in that building. One of those formative programs were the adult Sunday school classes. Many of these participants have remained connected to Asbury First for decades as a result of the connections made during these gatherings. Recently, there have been conversations about how we might renew this offering in the fall. As we look forward to opening the Red Room on Sunday mornings for Adult Education, we would love to put together a team of adults to help think through and organize these gatherings.

    If you would like to be on this planning team, please reach out to Mike Mullin at or (585) 271-1050 x105. The plan will be to meet together a few times in the next two months to put together a plan for the fall. Whether you have been a part of these classes in the past, or are looking forward to participating for the first time, you are invited to help us envision our future together!

  • You're Invited!! Come Celebrate God’s Inclusive Love


    Published: May 26, 2023

    Saturday, June 10, 12 pm, Sanctuary

    On Saturday, June 10, we will be blessing the marriages of several LGBTQ couples who missed the opportunity to be married in the church they love. Come and help us celebrate and affirm their love with your presence. All are welcome and rainbow attire is encouraged. Further, if you are willing to help with the reception following the ceremony, please reach out to

  • Asbury First Hosts University of Buffalo Choirs


    Published: May 26, 2023

    Friday, June 9, 7:30 pm, Sanctuary

    The University of Buffalo Choir and Chamber Singers will present a concert called “Contemporary Voices” on Friday, June 9, at Asbury First. The concert will begin at 7:30 pm, and is free and open to the public. A freewill offering will be taken.

    The eclectic program will feature choral music from the 17th and 19th centuries, as well as recently composed pieces by Eric Whitacre, Carrie Magin, Roland Martin, Eriks Esenvalds, John Taverner, Jonathan Quick, Shawn Kirchner, and Kim Andre Arnesen. 

    The UB Choirs will present this concert in Buffalo, Pittsburgh, and Syracuse in addition to here in Rochester. They are conducted by Claudia Brown, Assistant Professor of Voice and Choral Music.

  • Production Suite Volunteers


    Published: May 26, 2023

    The Production Coordinators team is looking for volunteers who would like to learn the ropes in the Production Suite. If you or someone you know is interested, please contact Dave Berg at by June 20. Training sessions will be scheduled during July and/or August.

  • "In This Moment 2: Revolution Reckoning Reparation" Book Launch


    Published: May 25, 2023

    Thursday, June 1, 6:30 pm, Gathering Center

    Join us for the "In This Moment 2: Revolution Reckoning Reparation" Book Launch and Community Discussion. This event continues the kickoff of the Second Series with the launch of chapbooks featuring:

    • Ian J. Wilson, M.D. – Founder/Co-curator of WALL/THERAPY
      Essay by Erica Bryant
      Photographs by Quajay Donnell
    • Rev. Myra Brown – Pastor, Spiritus Christi Church
      Essay by Chris Thompson
      Photographs by Jackie McGriff

    The purpose of the "In This Moment: Revolution Reckoning Reparation" chapbook series is to elevate and celebrate the revolutionary work of local Black leaders, writers and photographers. The project is curated by Amanda Chestnut and produced by Visual Studies Workshop (VSW).

    VSW Assistant Curator, Hernease Davis, will moderate a discussion with artists involved in the project. All guests will receive a complimentary copy of the newly released chapbooks at the event. This event is FREE and open to the public, but registration is encouraged. Learn more about "In This Moment" by clicking here.

    Click Here to Register

    ASL Interpretation will be provided at the event

  • The Library Bibliocart is back June 4!


    Published: May 25, 2023

    Sunday, June 4, after the 11 am service, 1040 Gathering Center

    The first Sunday of each month the church library bibliocart will meet you in the church Gathering Space with a full selection of new library purchases and books on the theme of the month.

    This month (June 4) the focus is on Father’s Day, Pride Month, Juneteenth, and Gun Violence Awareness Month with numerous books on these topics for all ages. You can check out the books—for free—right there at the Bibliocart—just in front of the piano in the Gathering Center. Stop by and check us out on this first Sunday in June—June 4.

  • Shop for a Cause to Support Asbury Storehouse


    Published: May 25, 2023

    June 6–10, Deborah Jean & Co., Park Berkley Plaza, 626 Park Avenue
    Reception on Thursday, June 8, 5–8 pm

    Deborah Jean & Co — "Serving neighbors with clothing and care" — is sponsoring a "Shop for a Cause" event to support the Asbury First Storehouse from June 6–10. There will also be a reception on Thursday, June 8 from 5–8 pm with light refreshments served. So head over to support a local business and our Community Outreach Center! 

    For more information, email or call Deborah Jean & Co at 585-622-9007.

  • Volunteers Needed: Mow and Trim Grass


    Published: May 25, 2023

    The summer weather is in full swing, and that means the grass lawns around our campus are greening and growing. There is quite a lot of lawn to be cut and trimmed each week and it quickly becomes overgrown. We need your help to keep our campus clean and welcoming. If you are interested in mowing or trimming grass, please contact David Strong at or at 585-271-1050 x110.

  • Ordination of the Rev. Patrick Dupont on Friday, June 2


    Published: May 24, 2023

    Friday, June 2, 7:30 pm, SRC Arena Onondaga Community College
    4585 West Seneca Turnpike Syracuse, NY 13215

    We are pleased to announce that the Rev. Patrick Dupont will be ordained as a Deacon in the United Methodist Church during the Service of Commissioning and Ordination of the Upper New York Annual Conference on Friday, June 2, 2023. The service will take place at 7:30 pm in the SRC arena in Syracuse. All are invited to attend!

    If you are not able to attend the Service of Commissioning and Ordination for Rev. Dupont, we will be celebrating his ordination during the 11 am worship service on Sunday, June 11.

    In the United Methodist Church, there are two ordination tracks—Elder and Deacon. Elders see their call to ministry as ordering the life of the Church through word and sacrament. Deacons are called to connect the Church to the world through word, service, compassion, and justice. As our Minister for Outreach and the Director of the Community Outreach Center, Rev. Dupont has embodied the order of the deacons and we celebrate this joyous moment in his life and ministry.

  • Youth Sunday


    Published: May 24, 2023

    Sunday, June 4, 11 am, Sanctuary

    Our 6th-12th grade youth will lead us in worship on this special day. The youth have worked to help put together all aspects of the service—from choosing hymns, to writing prayers, to preparing sermons. Sundays like these help remind us that the youth are not simply our future, they are our present. The youth have a voice and a message for us today that is prophetic and inspirational. On June 4, we will bear witness to the talents and offerings of these young people as we are led in worship together. 

  • Summer Choir begins June 11


    Published: May 23, 2023

    As we enter the month of May, it’s already time to look ahead to summer. Rehearsals for our musical groups will be winding down soon, but before they do, we want to offer enthusiastic thanks to all our volunteer musicians of all ages! We are so blessed by each member of our Sanctuary Choir, Asbury Ringers, Youth and Children’s Choirs, and Asbury Orchestra. Summer Choir will commence on June 11. Anyone who has a desire to sing is invited to join with no commitment! Simply show up in Wesley Hall at 9:55 am any Sunday morning between June 11 and September 3. Together we will prepare fun and meaningful music for that morning’s worship. If you have any questions, please contact Director of Music Ministry Carl Johengen at or at 585-271-1050 x134.