
  • Outreach Staffing Update


    Published: Dec. 15, 2021

    We pray this note finds you well this Advent season. In August, we announced that the Rev. Jackie Nelson would be leaving her post as the Minister for Outreach to take on a new full-time position at Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School. Fortunately for us, she has remained on the ministerial staff in a very part-time capacity.

    At the time of the Rev. Nelson’s departure, we committed to work with the Outreach Ministry area to prayerfully develop a plan for how to staff this vital component of our mission and ministry moving forward. To that end, an ad hoc task force was formed from several of our Outreach ministries, the Outreach Center Committee, and staff. We met together this fall to develop and articulate a plan that we believe will allow us to respond to the changing needs of our community and Do More Good in the process. This plan has been affirmed by the PPRC and approved by the Governing Board.

    As has been the case, we will still have a total of two full-time persons in the Outreach ministry area. We will maintain a Minister for Outreach, who in addition to providing the missional oversight of our on- and off-campus outreach ministries, will serve as our Director of the Outreach Center. However, some of the operational responsibilities of the current Director position will be shifted to a new position called the Outreach Coordinator. Working with the Minister for Outreach, this person will coordinate and provide operational support for the outreach volunteers and programs of Asbury First. Our intention is to fill this position with a social worker (MSW) as it will not only allow us to meet the growing needs of our guests, but will permit us to become a field site for area social work students—further increasing access to important services for our guests.

    Rev. Pat Dupont to become our Minister for Outreach
    Recognizing the gifts and graces God has given him and seeing the fruits of those gifts over the last few months, this ad hoc task force emphatically recommended the Rev. Pat Dupont to move into the Minister for Outreach role. This recommendation was also affirmed by the PPRC and approved by the Governing Board. Pat brings a heart for ministries of compassion and justice with those who find themselves on the margins of society and his previous relationships with so many of our guests from his time living and working at the St. Joseph House of Hospitality have already enriched our ministries. He will begin in this new role on January 1, 2022.

    We anticipate an intentional search for our new Outreach Coordinator in the late spring or early summer. Our hope is to have this person in place when we open our new Outreach Center next fall! 

    Thank you for your continued prayers as we do our best as disciples of Jesus Christ to live out the mission and vision of Asbury First.

    Grace and Peace,

    Members of the Ad Hoc Task Force have included:

    • Bob Castle
    • Jonathan Carroll-Nellenbeck 
    • Diana Carter
    • Robyn Gage
    • Carolyn Hamil
    • Tim Mahan
    • Martha Neubert
    • Bruce Thompson
  • End-of-Year Gift for the New Creation


    Published: Dec. 14, 2021

    As we look to close out our 2021 year and prepare for 2022, there is no question that we are not where we thought we’d be a year ago. While we continue to be thankful that so many have found new connection with Asbury First during this time, we also recognize that not everyone that was here is back.

    Our 2021 budget was built on the idea that we would be back more fully within six months into the year. While our congregational giving has remained relatively strong, without having everyone back or our doors fully open, we have not received as much income from plate offerings, holiday offerings, and space usage as we had hoped. As a result, we are between $60k and $80k behind where we thought we’d be at this time of year. Fortunately, we have managed our expenses well and are under or on target in every area.

    We are asking if you would prayerfully consider making a special end-of-year gift to support the mission and ministry of Asbury First and put us on more solid footing for 2022.

    If you are able, you may do so by:

    • clicking here
    • going to 
    • mailing a check
    • placing your gift in the offering plate
    • transferring stock or making a distribution from a retirement account (please contact the financial office at 585-271-1050 x108 with questions)

    Additionally, if you have not yet had a chance to pledge for 2022, this would be an excellent way to help us plan for the new creation ahead! 

    Thank you for all of the ways that you support the mission and ministry of Asbury First.

    In Christ,

    Patti Crawford
    Chair, Giving Team

    Angela Burch
    Chair, Finance Committee

  • Christmas Altar Poinsettia Donations


    Published: Dec. 10, 2021

    Do you want to donate to the Altar Guild for the Christmas Poinsettias? Please fill out the form online here, or return the form in your bulletin to the church office, attention of Beverly Schuman, no later than December 12. Checks should be payable to Asbury First United Methodist Church Altar Guild. Thank you, and have a Merry Christmas!

  • The Joy of Christmas Giving 2021


    Published: Dec. 10, 2021

    During the Christmas season, our attention is drawn to the abundance in our lives. As Christian disciples, we believe that abundance should be shared. As we exchange gifts with loved ones at Christmas, let us also consider gifts that we can offer to those who need them most.

    The Outreach Ministries of Asbury First assist people in accessing: 

    • Food 
    • Housing 
    • Education 
    • Childcare 
    • Healthcare 
    • Clothing 
    • Essential Items 

    To give, please fill out the form online by clicking here, or send a check with “Joy of Christmas Giving” in the memo line to the church office at 1050 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14607. With your help we can continue to support those of need in our community. Thank you for your generosity!

  • Women on Wednesday (WOW) Celebrates Christmas


    Published: Dec. 10, 2021

    Red & Green Zoom Meeting Wednesday, December 15, 12:15 pm, Zoom

    WOW has traditionally celebrated with a Red & Green Luncheon in December—you know—the dish-to-pass of red and/or green food (no Jello please) and good conversation. We will celebrate our togetherness again this year on Zoom with stories or poems or traditions or family tales to celebrate the season. Bring yours and join in!

    If you are a past, present or future possible WOW reader, please join the Zoom link here on Wednesday, December 15  at 12:15 pm. Sharing this special season, hearing your stories and being with you would be very special.

    Women on Wednesday (WOW) meets weekly from September to June to explore books of current and thoughtful interest. All women readers are welcome. There are no Asbury or any other membership requirements. Participants move in and out of the group as schedules and busy lives allow—just bring your curiosity and interest in the world of reading and sharing ideas. For more information please contact  Mary Lynn Vickers at

  • Scivias Ensemble Presents "Hodie!"


    Published: Dec. 10, 2021

    Friday, December 17, 7:30 pm, 1040 Sanctuary

    Scivias Medieval Ensemble invites you to experience stunning works of music written to celebrate the virgin Mary’s role as the mother of God, the birth of Jesus, and the effects of this miracle on humanity for many centuries after this holy day at Asbury First United Methodist Church.

    These celebratory works come from all over the European continent, ranging from Italian hymns of joy to complicated polyphony from St. Martial in northern France, as well as works sourced from Germany and Spain. Most of these works are written in the 12th and 13th centuries and are based on chant, including two rhapsodic chants by Hildegard von Bingen. Some works are built upon common chants, such as two-voice discant organum, “Verbum bonum et suave” or florid organum, “Alleluya, dies sanctificatus.” Still others are composed without reference to pre-existing chant in particular rhythmic patterns, such as the conductus “Ortu regis evanescit.” The jewel of the concert is one of the rare examples of organum quadruplum, “Viderunt omnes,” written by Magister Pérotin.

    For more information and to purchase tickets, visit

  • The Discipleship Project: Integrate Faith and Action


    Published: Dec. 3, 2021

    The Discipleship Project integrates Faith and Action! We call our small groups ‘Classes’ after the original Methodist discipleship groups. Join us as we work together to walk with Jesus between Sunday mornings, to learn by doing, and to form a spiritual community. Reclaim the Method, Renew the Mission, Reignite the Movement! Sign up online at the-discipleship-project.

  • Thank You Decoration Elves and O'Connell Electric!


    Published: Dec. 2, 2021

    The campus looks fully festive thanks to the amazing work of Amy Allen, James and Ali Parent, and the volunteer elves who put up the trees, wreaths, and lights on Wednesday at the Hanging of the Greens. We are so excited that we were able to gather together and make our space festive!

    Also, a special thank you goes out to O'Connell Electric—Michael Parkes and his crew—for their work on getting the the front lawn Christmas tree up. They were here at dawn to set up the tree, and worked from early morning to mid-afternoon to get the angel on top and string the lights. All the lights were working when they left, but later in the day, we noticed that the upper lights were no longer lit. Property Caretaker James Flack spent time working on it—and later, Michael and Rob, one of the crew, who had come to participate in the Caroling Around the Tree event with their families, took it upon themselves to work on and, subsequently, get the upper lights functioning.

    We are truly blessed for all these gifts of time and service! Thank you all!

  • Advent Devotional 2021


    Published: Nov. 24, 2021

    Don't forget to pick up your 2021 Advent Devotional from the Welcome Hall, or read it online by clicking here. This year's collection was complied by by Bonnie Matthaidess, Spiritual Director; and the Rev. Susan S. Shafer, Senior Minister, Emerita. These daily devotions of reflection, poetry, and story come out of the fabric of our living with the Light of Christ appearing and guiding us. This Advent Season we hope that your eyes may be open to see, your heart may be expanded, and your soul nourished through a daily devotion.

    For more information about our Advent offerings, visit

  • Outreach Groundbreaking Ceremony


    Published: Nov. 24, 2021

    Did you miss Sunday's Groundbreaking Ceremony for our new Outreach Center? It was a moment five years in the making. We are so grateful to all the support and hard work that went into this project becoming a reality. Watch or re-watch by clicking here.

  • Give for the New Creation—Turn in Your Pledge!


    Published: Nov. 18, 2021

    This is an exciting weekend for Asbury First! We will have our annual Thanksgiving In-Gathering, we will break ground on our new Outreach Center, and we will turn in our pledge cards for 2022 as a sign of our commitment to the new creation God is forging at Asbury First. 

    Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to turn in a pledge card for 2022!

    For those who have yet to turn in a card, we ask that you consider making a pledge to support the mission and ministry of Asbury First. You can do so by clicking here.

    If you pledged last year, you should have already received a letter asking that you continue your pledge and prayerfully consider increasing it by clicking here. If we don’t hear from you by November 21, we will continue your pledge at the 2021 level. 

    As always, don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or to speak with someone about your pledge. Thank you for your faithfulness, we are excited to see where God’s new creation will take us.

    Grace and Peace,
    Rev. Dr. Stephen Cady
    Senior Minister

    Patti Crawford
    Chair of Giving Team

  • NEW DATES!! Youth Musical "Annie Jr."


    Published: Nov. 18, 2021

    Friday, December 10, 7 pm, Fellowship Hall
    Saturday, December 11, 7 pm, Fellowship Hall
    Sunday, December 12, 1 pm, Fellowship Hall 

    Asbury Youth are so excited that their production of Annie, Jr. has been rescheduled for Friday through Sunday, December 10 - 12. Based on the popular comic strip, Annie tells the extraordinary story of a little orphan who ends up in the lap of luxury with Depression-era billionaire Oliver Warbucks. The story is a classic theme of how good wins out over evil and the honest innocence of a child. Tickets are $10 and you can purchase them online or pay at the door. Our youth would love your support!

    Click here to purchase tickets online.

  • Outreach Center Construction


    Published: Nov. 13, 2021

    Good News! Work on our new Outreach Center is about to begin!

    While our ceremonial groundbreaking will take place immediately following the 11 am worship service on Sunday, November 21, the crew from DGA Builders LLC will begin their work next week! The construction fence will be erected around the property on Monday morning and their crews will start the initial phases of the project later in the week. This early start will help keep the construction schedule on time as we approach the winter. 

    Please note that construction will necessitate shutting down the use of the driveway closest to 1010 East Ave for the duration of the build. Click here for an updated campus map. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause. Please keep an eye out for additional updates over the next few weeks and the forthcoming webcam link that will allow you to watch progress on the Outreach Center in real time!

    Thank you to all of those who came out over the last couple of weeks to help us clear out 1010 and prepare to do more good! This Outreach Center will be a beacon of hope for the entire community!

    Please pray that God will continue to be present with us throughout this entire process and for the people this Outreach Center will help.

    — Asbury First Staff

  • Youth Annie Production Postponed Due to COVID


    Published: Nov. 12, 2021

    We regret to inform you that this weekend’s youth production of Annie is postponed. Late yesterday afternoon we learned that a member of the Annie cast/crew tested positive for COVID-19. We are working with public health officials to ensure the ongoing health and safety of all involved. Thank you for your patience and your prayers as we do our best to support our youth. 

    While we are able to contact those who purchased tickets online to let them know of this change, we do not know all who planned to buy tickets at the door. We ask your help in sharing this information with anyone whom you know planned to attend one of the performances this weekend.

    Our hope is to reschedule the production as soon as possible. However, we recognize that given the holiday schedule it may not be possible until early in the new year. Please stay tuned.

    As always, don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. In the meantime, please pray for the continued health of our entire community.

    Grace and Peace,

  • Annual ROC the Day


    Published: Nov. 12, 2021

    Tuesday, November 30

    On Tuesday, November 30, our community will come together to ROC the Day, and the Asbury First Storehouse, Dining and Caring Center, and Asbury Day Care Center are participating again. ROC the Day is a 24-hour giving opportunity to support all eligible not-for-profits in the nine-county greater Rochester area. Community members are encouraged to visit, a secure online giving platform, to contribute to any participating not-for-profit organization. All money given during ROC the Day stays local. Donors have the ability to make an impact by giving to one or multiple organizations to support their personal philanthropic passions. Donors and not-for-profits can share their investment with friends, family, coworkers, and social networks to increase awareness for this community-wide effort.