Published: July 26, 2024
The 11 am Worship Service on Sunday, August 11 will have a different shape, and we'll be filling the service with your favorite hymns! If you have a favorite hymn that we haven't sung in a while, let us know - we will include as many of your submissions as we can. Contact our Director of Music Ministry, Carl Johengen at to submit your favorite.
The cut-off date for submissions is Monday, August 5.
Published: July 19, 2024
Perhaps you’re splitting the Hostas in the garden and unsure what to do with them? We’re looking for a few additional sun hardy perennials to complete the gardens in front of the Dining and Caring Center.
Contact Peggy Hack at to make arrangements to help further beautify our grounds.
Published: July 3, 2024
Saturday, July 27, 2 pm, Gathering Space
No need to RSVP, but if you have any dietary restrictions (specifically dairy or ice cream), please inform Barbara Eltinge at either 737-8775 or
Our Older Adult Fall Worship and Lunch will be on Saturday, October 19, 2024, beginning at 11 AM. Announcements will be in the mail in late September.
Published: June 21, 2024
Schools Out For the Summer!! A tremendous thank you to all the Help Me Read Tutors this year. What an AWESOME year we had and we are looking forward to next year being even better! The plan is to start our tutoring the last week of September and we hope you all will be returning for the fun. We will be recruiting new tutors for next year and orientation will be scheduled for the end of August and early September. Questions or suggestions contact See You In September!!
Published: June 21, 2024
Tuesdays at 3 pm in the Gathering Center, join us for our summer sessions of Gentle Yoga. During the summer months, this gentle attention can help both to bring inner awareness to your body, as well as giving shape to your free-flowing summer day!
Classes are an hour long and open to participants at any level. $10 at the door, you're encouraged to wear comfortable loose-fitting clothes, and to bring a towel and water with you.
Published: June 21, 2024
Do you love perusing books? Do you love a cozy place to sit? Would you love a quiet place to catch up with a friend after the service?
The Asbury First Library is a perfect place for all these activities, located just around the corner from the Gathering Center in the Education Wing.
In the spirit of Pride, this month we're featuring a selection of LGBTQ+ books on display and available to borrow from the Library.
Published: June 21, 2024
A new Recovery Support Group for those experiencing hurt due to a Relationship Break-up, Separation or Divorce will be meeting in the Teak Room in 1050, starting on Saturday, July 13 at 10 am.
Please contact Anne Marie Strivings if you have any questions at
Published: June 14, 2024
If you are interested in visiting people in our congregation on a regular basis, please plan to attend a meeting on Monday, June 17 at 4 pm in the Red Room. For more information, please contact Rev. Kathy Thiel at (585) 271-1050 x106 or email her at
Published: June 14, 2024
Each year, we participate in the East Ave Grocery Run as a fundraiser for the Community Outreach Center's food programs. If you think you might want to walk or run the race, the time to start training is right around the corner!
This year the race is on November 2, but the registration is open for people to sign up to join our team, or to donate right now: SIGN UP NOW
If you register to join the Asbury First team, your registration fee goes directly to the Community Outreach Center!
Published: June 7, 2024
The Matsiko World Orphan Choir makes a return appearance at Asbury First, presenting a concert on Thursday, June 27 at 7 pm. Since 2008, the Matsiko World Orphan Choir has used the unifying power of music to uplift every child, bring joy to all who listen, and to inspire generosity that provides a complete education for vulnerable children. Brought together from Matsiko's in-country learning centers in Nepal, Peru, Liberia, and India, the Choir has performed at the White House, Disneyland, Disney World, the Rose Bowl, and many other sports stadiums around the country. Their high-energy performances bring much-needed attention to the plight of vulnerable children around the world. For more information, visit or contact Carl Johengen at
HOST FAMILIES NEEDED: We will be housing the choir and chaperones overnight after the performance, so we are seeking host families who can provide sleeping arrangements for one adult and up to three children. Children can share a double bed or larger, and any guest can sleep on an air mattress, sofa or sleeping bag. If you are able to help or have questions, please contact Judy Messenger at or call (585) 473-1048
Published: June 7, 2024
We are meeting on Saturday, June 8 at 6 pm in the Gathering Space at church. We will have great conversation, appetizers, and some table games. Come even if you are not a game player. (It’s optional)
Please bring an appetizer to share.
Call or text Barb Castle for more information at (585) 698-8233
Published: May 31, 2024
This July, our Senior High Youth Group will be traveling to Chicago, Illinois as we strive to learn, serve, and do more good in an urban environment. While we are away, we are looking for members of our community to partner with our mission team in prayer. As a prayer partner, you will be assigned one missioner to pray for while we are away. In addition, we will ask you to write this missioner a note of encouragement before the trip. You may sign up to be a prayer partner via the QR code or contact Mike Mullin at
Published: May 31, 2024
June 22, 9:30 am COC, Lower Level
Participation in an orientation session is required for all serving with our COC ministries. If you are exploring serving for the first time, or have been serving already but have never attended a session, please join us! We will cover important information about our outreach mission and philosophy as well as practical information about best practices and safety. Click HERE to sign up.
Grocery Bag packing @ 8 - 9 am
Orientation @ 9:30 - 10:30 am
Published: May 31, 2024
Sunday, June 23, the Rev. Rachel Dupont, our Minister for Christian Formation and Director of the Discipleship Project, will end her time at Asbury with a farewell sermon. As you know, the decision to reduce the size of our pastoral staff was heartbreaking. Rachel has been an essential leader, both in discerning and living out God’s unique call for Asbury First, and as a delegate to General Conference this past Spring. She has helped to shape the future of both Asbury First and the United Methodist Church. We are forever grateful.
On June 23, we hope you will stay after the service to celebrate her time here with coffee and gluten-free baked goods in the Gathering Center.
Published: May 31, 2024
As summer approaches, and our days grow longer, it is a good time to brush up on our ability to offer thoughtful welcome, hospitality, compassion and care to our neighbors – those we encounter both on our campus and elsewhere. As Christian disciples we are called to specifically care for people who are hurting, and to grow in our ability to minister to those in the throes of difficult situations.
To that end, we are planning to offer another session of de-escalation training led by the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence. We hosted a session in October that was very well-received by those in attendance. Representatives of the Institute will share with us best practices and skills when working with people experiencing trauma and/or crisis.
If you would like to attend please sign up by emailing Patrick Dupont at so that we can gauge interest and keep you informed when the event is scheduled.