Published: July 21, 2023
We have reports of a new scam going around claiming to be Stephen. This new scam even uses Stephen's image to seem more legitimate. The Asbury First staff will never ask you to send cash immediately or to give your personal information over an open email.
Here are a few guidelines to recognize scam/phishing emails or texts:
Another way to avoid them is to check the email address and make sure it has at the end. If it does not, immediately delete the email before opening it as the staff will only contact you using official email addresses. For more information, please contact David Strong at
Published: July 21, 2023
Wednesday, August 16, 2:30–4 pm, 1040 Gathering Center
What better way to escape the summer heat than with ice-cream! We hope you'll join us for the Older Adults Ice-Cream Social in August. No RSVP necessary. There will be vegan and sugar-free options. If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Thiel at 585-271-1050 x106.
Published: July 14, 2023
Do you love bulletin boards? Do you like being behind the camera? Well, we've got some projects for you! We are looking for volunteers to help produce the display bulletin for the Welcome Hall, as well as assistance with quick interviews for a video project. If you're interested, please contact Sarah Brubaker at or by calling 585-271-1050 x109. Training and video equipment will be provided.
Published: July 14, 2023
Have you ever wanted to participate in worship — but without having to speak in front of people? You may have noticed that some weeks we have an acolyte, crucifer, and Christ candle that all help to lead our procession into worship and our recession out into the world. Each of these roles help to remind us that Christ goes before us—both in this space and beyond. We would love to have each of these roles fulfilled at every service. If you would like to volunteer to be an acolyte (the ones that light the candles), the crucifer (the one that carries the cross), or to carry our Christ candle, please contact Mike Mullin at We would love to have you join our team as we help spread and share the light of Christ!
Published: July 14, 2023
Friday, August 25, 6:45 pm, Frontier Field
Join us as we sing the National Anthem at the Red Wings vs. Worcester Red Sox game. We have reserved 100 seats, so tickets will be $10. You don't have to sing to join us at the game, but our hope is to have a good sized group represent Asbury First. You can also Get a Tie-Dye T-Shirt for $15 to wear to the game! Shirts will be on sale Sunday mornings, or by contacting the church office at 585-271-1050. For more information, contact Paula Dugan at
Published: July 13, 2023
Unfortunately, the event has been canceled.
Check back for a similar event in the Fall. To learn more about Keeping Our Promise, visit
Published: July 11, 2023
The Asbury First Library is so grateful for the outpouring of donations! We are excited to have so much to offer at the Neighborhood of the Arts (NOTA) Farmer’s Market. Stop by on Mondays from 4–7 pm to check out our selection and to support local businesses. Thank you all!
Published: July 6, 2023
July 20–August 13 (see below for details)
Finger Lakes Opera (FLO) is pleased to share their summer line up. Please visit or call 585-450-3880 to reserve tickets for the events listed below.
Published: July 5, 2023
Sunday, July 16, 3-5 pm at Asbury First
This event is open to all youth and parents (because who doesn't love an opportunity to slime a beloved adult [or kid] in their life). We will have fully washable slime and water soakers, and will recreate some classic Roblox games like Bedwars and Rainbow Friends.
The slime is non-toxic, kid (and pet) friendly, gluten free, and hypoallergenic. We will also have a hose on hand so youth can wash off at any time. The more the merrier for this event, so mark your calendars and invite a friend. And for those adventurous parents that choose to join in the fun, we will have special roles for you to fulfill as well! For more information, contact Mike Mullin at or 585-271-1050 x105.
Published: July 5, 2023
Thursday, July 27, 6–8 pm, 1040 Gathering Center
Save the date! Join us on July 27 at 6 pm for a catered, Afghanistan-inspired dinner supporting Keeping Our Promise (KOP), a non-profit organization committed to providing comprehensive resettlement assistance to endangered wartime Allies who served US interests in conflict and war zones. Come and experience a delightful culinary journey while learning about this important mission. Click the link below to secure your seat at this impactful event.
The cost is $60 per-person. To register, click here or call the church office at 585-271-1050. To learn more about Keeping Our Promise, visit
Published: June 30, 2023
July 2–8, Tuscon, Arizona
Our high schoolers will once again be immersing themselves in a new environment as they travel to Tuscon, Arizona to work with Be the Neighbor. We are excited to send these youth and adults to engage in this life-changing ministry the week of July 2-8. For more information, contact Mike Mullin at or 585-271-1050 x105.
Published: June 30, 2023
Asbury First Campus closed July 3–4
We wish you all a safe and happy Independence Day weekend. Please note that the campus will be closed on Monday and Tuesday, July 3–4 for the holiday.
Published: June 23, 2023
Do you read banned books? Do you think that others should also learn about and read banned books to help broaden their horizons and worldviews? Then we have just the team for you! Our Asbury First Library Team is putting together a small group to think through how Asbury First might highlight Banned Books in ways that help us better live, love, serve, and repeat. For more information, or to volunteer, contact Mike Mullin at
Published: June 23, 2023
Saturday, July 15, 12:30 pm, Park Ave and Berkeley
The LGBTQ Advocacy group and other local Reconciling UMCs will meet and watch the Pride Parade together this year (we are not marching). Please meet us at 12:30 pm at the corner of Park Avenue and Berkeley to cheer on the parade. Wear your pride gear and bring your chair!
Published: June 22, 2023
Keeping Our Promise (KOP) has had a phenomenal start to 2023 — having ALREADY met their minimum resettlement goal for the whole of 2023! This week alone they had large families arriving almost daily.
We are still committed to assist each of these arrivals according to the same standards and vision as always, and to uphold the motto that is the ultimate litmus test in our decision-making, which is; ‘’What we do for one, we do for all.’’ In order to continue to provide each arriving SIV with the support they deserve, we ask our community once again for assistance.
These families need ‘’Caring Circles,’’ a network of first friends and advocates. People who will show them how to do things that we take for granted: like how to use the bus, or how to write a check! For someone to have tea with a time or two a month, or lend a friendly, sympathetic ear! With family being so far away, our volunteers fill an incredibly important void.
If you, your friend(s), family, company, or club can help out, please contact to indicate your interest in joining a Caring Circle. All new members will receive training and support provided by KOP staff.