
  • Thank You Asbury First!


    Published: Oct. 5, 2022

    THANKS ASBURY FIRST for your generous support in this year's school supply drive. Once again you really stepped up to the plate!! Thank you to all who answered the call to give! Your caring support will make a difference in Asbury First's partner schools — School 17 and School 45. There is still opportunity for you to join the Help Me Read Volunteers. For more information, please contact John Smalt at 585-924-8624 or at

  • Financial Overview through August 2022


    Published: Oct. 4, 2022

    Through the first eight months of the year, we have had the highest level of AOP giving ever. Thank you! In order to reach our goals, however, we will need to have the highest level of giving through the last four months as well. Thank you in advance! Donations and grants dedicated to our Outreach operations are lagging, but we pray that the opening of our new Community Outreach Center will provide new opportunities for increased support.

    Fortunately, our managed expenses are coming in under budget this year, though we have begun to feel some of the challenges of inflation and are working on how to address that together in 2023.

    Click the link below to see Asbury First's Financial Report for the year to date. We thank you for your generous giving, and it is only through your support that Asbury First can "Do More Good" in this world.

    Read the Financial Report Here

  • Hurricane Relief with UMCOR


    Published: Oct. 3, 2022

    If you would like to help support those in the path of the tropical storm Ian, we encourage you to give to the United Methodist Committe of Relief (UMCOR) by using the following link: You can give online at, and note "Hurricane". Or, you can mail a check to the church office at 1050 East Ave. We will collect these special donations and send them on to UMCOR. 

    UMCOR responds to natural or civil disasters of such magnitude that they overwhelm a community’s ability to recover on its own. Through UMCOR, United Methodists extend loving care to people within the United States. When disaster strikes, it is local churches that provide the first response to their communities. 

  • Storehouse Announcement


    Published: Oct. 3, 2022

    We are not able to accept most donations at this time while we are transitioning from our current location to our new Outreach Center. The only exceptions are size 1X and larger men's and women's winter coats, large pots and frying pans, spatulas, large spoons and washable bed size blankets (especially queen size). We hope to be able to receive donations later in the Fall. Thank you for your continued support.

  • Learning Opportunity with UMC Webster and Dr. John Tyson


    Published: Oct. 3, 2022

    Friday, October 21, 7–8:30 pm; and Saturday, October 22, 9 am–3:30 pm (lunch included),
    United Methodist Church of Webster, 169 E Main St., Webster, NY 14580
    $40 per person ($30 if you register by Monday, October 10)
Register online at

    The United Methodist Church of Webster invites us to a teaching seminar with Dr. John R. Tyson on October 21–22. Dr. Tyson will speak on "Our Methodist History as a Lens...For Looking at Contemporary Challenges."  
    To register for hte event, visit and click on the "Resources" tab. Tickets are $40 per person, or $30 if you register by Monday, October 10. If you are interested and need help registering, please call the UMC Webster at 585-265-9720.
    “Professor, author and pastor, John Tyson is an internationally known expert in the field of Wesleyan Studies and has drawn upon a lifetime of research and practical experience in the Methodist tradition to examine the social, cultural, theological, and political forces that gave birth to Methodism, as well as the main historical controversies that shaped, shook, and forced the tradition to define and sometimes redefine itself and its mission to a troubled world.” He’s written over a dozen books.

  • Order your Name Tag...Now with Pronouns!


    Published: Oct. 3, 2022

    While some of us find it easy to remember names, many of us could use the reminder of a name tag. Wearing name tags will help us learn one another's names, keep us from worrying when we've forgotten someone's name, and help make our community stronger. To better create a welcoming environment, you can now add your preferred pronouns! Call the church office at 585-271-1050 or click here to order yours! 

  • Asbury Orchestra Returns!


    Published: Sept. 29, 2022

    Rehearsals begin Sunday, October 16, 9:30 am, Wesley Hall

    The Asbury orchestra is a welcoming, encouraging group of musicians that want to make music together and share what we love in worship. After a COVID hiatus, the Asbury Orchestra will begin rehearsals on Sunday, October 16 at 9:30 am in Wesley Hall. We will work to prepare to play for the Sunday, December 4 service. This ensemble is for all ages, and for everyone who plays or has played a band or orchestra instrument for at least two to three years. If you are interested, please call the church office at 585-271-1050 or fill out the form on our website at


  • Town Hall Meeting 10/23 Following Worship


    Published: Sept. 29, 2022

    Sunday, October 23, Following 11 am Worship Service

    The Governing Board and our Senior Minister will host a special town hall meeting following the 11 am service on Sunday October 23, 2022. This meeting will be in person and livestreamed and has no formal agenda accept to answer your questions that you'd like us to be prepared to answer, please email or call the church office. For those questions we receive in advance, we will provide answers in a FAQ area of the church website as well as bring them to the meeting. We look forward to seeing you there! 

  • Older Adult Council (OAC) Luncheon Returns


    Published: Sept. 29, 2022

    Monday, October 17, 11 am, Sanctuary, RSVP by Monday, October 10

    We are excited to announce that the Older Adult Council Luncheon will return after three years! We will begin with worship in the Sanctuary at 11 am, followed by lunch and lots of fellowship in the Gathering Space at about 11:45 am.
    Please come and join your friends in fellowship! We would like to know if you will or will not be attending and if you need transportation. For more information or to RSVP, to Rev. Kathy Thiel at 585-271-1050 x106.

  • Window Painting Project—Needs Helpers


    Published: Sept. 29, 2022

    The Monday Morning Crew has begun a special six-week window painting project for the new Gathering Space. We need helpers to assist in this and other property maintenance projects on campus. The painting project meets Mondays from 9 am to 12 pm in 1040. There are no signups. Just join us whenever you are available. For more information, contact Dave Kennedy at

  • Meals on Wheels Needs Volunteers


    Published: Sept. 29, 2022

    Meals On Wheels needs volunteers to deliver meals to our neighbors in the City of Rochester.  Partner with your friend, spouse, family member or neighbor & volunteer to deliver meals together!

    Information on how you can get started volunteering for Meals On Wheels can be found on our website at under the Service and Specialties Programs tab or by calling the Volunteer Services office at 274-4385.

    We need you to help us bring hot meals, warm smiles, independence, and peace of mind to those in need!

  • Dining In For Outreach Returns!


    Published: Sept. 22, 2022

    Join the fun on November 5!

    What is Dining In for Outreach? A fun, tasty event that supports the many on-campus and off-campus ministries of Asbury First. Prior to the pandemic, Dining In for Outreach raised funds that provided much needed food, clothing, education and medical care to our neighbors near and far. With the pandemic easing, we look forward to sharing a meal and God’s blessings with each other and those in need.
    How does it work? Asbury First members host delicious dinners in their home with guests donating a suggested amount to participate. Traditionally, the evening began with appetizers and fellowship in the Gathering Space, followed by at home dinners.
    Where do the funds go? All donations are designated for outreach and are deposited in Asbury First’s bank account by the church treasurers. Funds are then distributed to various ministries after approval by the Funding Team.
    How do I sign up? Stop by the sign-up table in the Welcome Hall any Sunday morning
    through Sunday, October 23 to sign up to host or attend a dinner. Or contact Tim Mahan at Help us Do More Good by participating!

  • Governance Board September Executive Summary


    Published: Sept. 22, 2022

    Check out the new executive summary of the content, discussion, and meaningful actions of the June board meeting. While there are some aspects that will need to be kept confidential (particularly as it relates to certain personnel and legal matters), we believe this will go a long way toward improving the transparency of our actions and conversations. You can also read the updated Board Policy Book by clicking the button below.

    Read the Latest Summary

  • The Youth Musical: Snoopy!! NEW DATES


    Published: Sept. 13, 2022

    Rehearsals: Wednesdays at 6 pm and Sundays at 2 pm, September 14-November 9, Fellowship Hall
    Shows: November 11-12

    Rehearsals will be on Wednesdays at 6 pm and Sundays at 1 pm from Based on the beloved Peanuts comic strip by Charles Schulz, Snoopy!!!, sparkles with wit and warmth as it depicts life as seen through the eyes of Schulz's unforgettable characters. Snoopy is the follow up show to You're a good man Charlie Brown. For more information, please contact our Director of Youth Theater Larry Dugan at or at 585-271-1050.

  • Research on LGBTQ+ Inclusion In Church


    Published: Sept. 12, 2022

    Are you an adult (18 years or older) member of Asbury First United Methodist Church who identifies as LGBTQ+? If so, please consider participating in a research study being conducted by Dr. Megan Yost, a professor at Dickinson College (Carlisle, PA). The purpose is to learn about LGBTQ+ people who have found a home in a welcoming congregation, because most other research on this topic has examined LGBTQ people who have left churches due to experiences with sexual prejudice (and never returned). To learn more about the research and for the link to the survey, go to 

     Note: The survey will close on September 30th.