
New Members Class!


Published: Sept. 9, 2022

Two Options:

In-Person: Sunday, October 2, 12:30-2 pm, 1050 Dining Room, Lunch Served

Virtual: Wednesdays, September 28 and October 5, 5-6 pm, Zoom

Are you interested in joining Asbury First? We are pleased to be offering the next round of New Members Classes for any and all interested in joining Asbury First. We will hold classes in person Sunday, October 2 following the service from 12:30–2 pm. For those near and far interested in meeting (and potentially joining) virtually, we will hold Zoom classes on Wednesdays, September 28 and October 5 from 5–6 pm. Our hope is to have everyone join on Sunday, October 9. You need not register to attend, but if you know that you will be there, we’d love to know! Simply email Deb Bullock-Smith at or at 585-271-1050 x117.