Published: Sept. 1, 2023
Children’s Music begins Wednesday, September 13 and we’d love to have your children join us! We offer music fundamentals, exposure to handbells, chimes, and percussion, and opportunities to sing in church and be a part of a spring musical. There is a Wednesday evening Community meal in the Gathering Center from 5:30-6 pm to help make the evening more manageable for families. We meet in the Children’s Music Room 201 upstairs in the Education Wing at the following times:
Hallelujah Kids (age 4–1st grade) meets from 5–5:30 pm
Wesley Singers & Ringers (2nd–5th grades) meets from 6-7 pm
Look for registration forms at the Welcome Desk. For more information contact Holly Temming at or (585) 271-1050 x114.