Published: Jan. 26, 2023
This Sunday, immediately following the 11 am service, we will have our Annual Church Conference during which time we will vote to approve our budget, our nomination’s report, and minutes from previous meetings. Click the links below for the materials.
The Attorney General’s office for the State of New York has informed the Upper New York Conference of the United Methodist Church that in order for a Church Conference to be counted as “official” it has to be either fully in person or fully virtual, but not hybrid. Because we have not had an “official” Church Conference since January of 2020 due to the pandemic, we feel the need to make sure that this one is in proper order. To that end, the official portion of this Church Conference will be in person. However, because we honor and care about those who are with us virtually, we will still provide a virtual voting option that we will report in real time, but which we cannot hold as official. As always, only members are allowed to vote during a Church Conference.
To vote virtually (but unofficially) on Sunday go to:
The pertinent documents for our Annual Church Conference are available on our website at, including: