
COVID and Worship Update


Published: Jan. 6, 2022

Like most of you, we are watching the COVID numbers increase in our region and are paying special attention to how we as a church might need to adjust to keep everyone safe. To be clear, everyone will need to make their own decision based on their level of comfort and health. Please know that there is no shame in staying home to watch the livestream (or listening via radio, phone, or archive) and absolutely no pressure to attend in person. That said, we also recognize that for some people, in-person worship is their only means of weekly connection and are reticent to take that away.

As of this moment, the COVID-19 Task Force believes that we can continue in-person worship with these additional safety precautions: 

  1. ROPING OFF PEWS: We will rope off every other pew to encourage better social distancing
  2. REQUIRING BETTER MASKS: Following new public health guidance, and the recommendations of our own medical professionals, we will now require higher caliber masks (surgical, K95, N95, or double-masking) for anyone attending in-person worship. We will have appropriate masks available for anyone who might need one. 
  3. CHOIR ON HIATUS: Through January, we will put the Sanctuary choir on hiatus to limit congestion in the chancel.
  4. CHILDREN’S TIME FROM PEWS: We will not call the children forward for children’s time, but instead ask them to remain in their pews. We will continue to offer enrichment and Bible Beat for children following children’s time.

Thank you in advance for your understanding and compliance with these new precautions. We will continue monitor the situation and alert you should any change to these plans become necessary.

In the meantime, please continue to keep everyone affected and infected by COVID-19 in your prayers.

Grace and Peace,
