Published: Sept. 4, 2021
Wednesdays, beginning September 15
Front Porch of 1050 as long as weather permits, then Room 201
Children’s Music at Asbury First begins Wednesday, September 15. It might look a little different than normal but we’d love to see your children on Wednesday evenings for some musical fun and fellowship. Below is a list of our musical groups. We will meet outdoors for as long as possible on the front porch of 1050 then move indoors to Room 201. Currently we are required to mask indoors and outdoors on our campus. As policies and protocols change, we will keep you informed. Since singing in a mask can be uncomfortable we will focus heavily on handbells, percussion instruments, and musical games. We are working on how we might provide a meal safely for those who might like that on Wednesday evenings. We will be in touch soon with more details.
Wednesdays, 5–5:30 pm, Front Porch of 1050 as long as weather permits then Room 201
Music fundamentals class for ages 4 through 1st grade. Playful music, dance and games designed to foster creativity and develop a love for children’s music and classic church songs.
Wednesdays, 6–7 pm, Front Porch of 1050 as long as weather permits then Room 201
Vocal & Handbell Choir for children grades 2-5. Handbells, chimes and percussion instruments will be used to foster creativity and develop a love for children’s music and classic church songs.
For more information contact Holly Temming at