Published: Dec. 14, 2021
As we look to close out our 2021 year and prepare for 2022, there is no question that we are not where we thought we’d be a year ago. While we continue to be thankful that so many have found new connection with Asbury First during this time, we also recognize that not everyone that was here is back.
Our 2021 budget was built on the idea that we would be back more fully within six months into the year. While our congregational giving has remained relatively strong, without having everyone back or our doors fully open, we have not received as much income from plate offerings, holiday offerings, and space usage as we had hoped. As a result, we are between $60k and $80k behind where we thought we’d be at this time of year. Fortunately, we have managed our expenses well and are under or on target in every area.
We are asking if you would prayerfully consider making a special end-of-year gift to support the mission and ministry of Asbury First and put us on more solid footing for 2022.
If you are able, you may do so by:
Additionally, if you have not yet had a chance to pledge for 2022, this would be an excellent way to help us plan for the new creation ahead!
Thank you for all of the ways that you support the mission and ministry of Asbury First.
In Christ,
Patti Crawford
Chair, Giving Team
Angela Burch
Chair, Finance Committee