Published: Jan. 27, 2021
Sundays, 9:45-10:45 am, Zoom,
It has been too long since most of us have stepped into our sanctuary. And maybe we are having a hard time remembering it: Which window did I usually sit by? What color were the hymnals? Does “my” spot still have just the right amount of cushion?
To help us get ready for our eventual return, we are going to spend the next three weeks touring our sanctuary space. The first week, we will focus on the windows, and talk about why stained glass is such a quintessential stereotype of churches. The second week, we will delve into the symbology and discover just how much imagery you never knew was all around you. The final week, we will consider the colors of the space—and why the colors change throughout the year.
All are invited to join us—even if you never have and never will actually step foot in our sanctuary. Much of what we cover, you will be able to find present in most every church you enter in. Whether in person, or online, all are welcome in this space.