Governing Board

Jim Quinn


How long have you been a member of Asbury First?
Marguerite and I joined about 18 years ago. Growing up in North Carolina, I was raised in a large Methodist Church, but I had been an Episcopalian since the mid-1970s. We were living in the neighborhood (we still do) and I visited Asbury First on my own one Sunday morning. After hearing the preaching and being moved by experiencing the sanctuary filling up with music and song, I decided to come back the next week with Marguerite. We joined a short time later.

What have you been involved in as a member of Asbury First?
I served on our Board of Trustees for 10 years, eight of them as President, and had the privilege of being a member of the former Staff Parish Relations Committee during periods when it was headed by three different dedicated and talented chairs. I also served as a member of the Investment Committee for many years.

Why do you want to be on the Governing Board?
In 35 years of law practice (23 of them at Kodak and Carestream), I developed a good understanding of how people relate to each other and to the organizations that affect their lives in so many ways. And, I gained a real appreciation of how leaders can impact the organizations and people they serve. I would like the chance to put my insights to use again here at Asbury First.

What is something that you want people to know about you?
I retired twice. A couple of years after retiring from practicing law, I felt called to give teaching a try and found a part-time position teaching business law and related subjects to undergrads at SUNY Geneseo. Part-time soon grew into a very satisfying full-time position and deep immersion in the life of the campus. I just marked my 10th year at Geneseo and “retired” by switching back to part-time this past semester. A friend told me recently that over these past 10 years I’ve “aged in reverse.” I’m not sure about that, but I have certainly found great fulfillment and inspiration from the young people I work with.

Beth Wilkens 

Immediate Past Chair

How long have you been a member of Asbury First?
I have been a member for 20 some years, having joined shortly after visiting one Sunday, hearing Rev. Dr. Bob Hill preach, and deciding AFUMC was the place for me.

What have you been involved in as a member of Asbury First?
My initial involvement was as a member of the Finance Committee. I then joined the Trustees and was privileged to be President when the Board’s recommendation to approve A Time To Build was voted on by the congregation and during the Gathering Center construction. I am a member of the Investment Committee, have volunteered Tuesday nights in the Storehouse, am part of the Community Garden team, and have helped with a number of special projects involving my experience in finance and as a lawyer.

Why do you want to be on the Governing Board?
This is a challenging time in the life of the Church, but challenges bring opportunity. The new governance structure has the potential to help us better focus our collective efforts in maximizing our extraordinary resources (including our asset base, amazing and committed congregation, and talented pastoral staff) toward expanding the reach of the Church in the lives of our members as well as our community and world. I hope to be part of a board that is a good steward of resources, listens carefully and respectfully, communicates transparently, and is flexible as its role is framed by circumstances — but a board that is not afraid to embrace challenging opportunities. I also hope the lessons I learned in governance during “interesting” times, both as a lawyer counseling business boards and as a volunteer member of a number of community boards, will be helpful to this new Board.

What is something that you want people to know about you?
I find great comfort in a devotion my grandmother shared with me during a difficult time: “Fear is the negation of the Christ within us.”

Wendy Featherstone

Vice Chair 

How long have you been a member of Asbury First?
We joined in 1989.

What have you been involved in as a member of Asbury First?
We have served in the creche as caregivers, I have taught Sunday School, assisted with youth performances, served on the Family Life council, Youth Work Area, served on the Administrative Cabinet as liaison to the Children's Education Committee, Adult Education committee, Family Life council, and Youth Work area.

Why do you want to be on the Governing Board?
My history of involvement as a volunteer over the years of my membership, as well as my service as president of a national physical therapy board of directors provides relevant experience. I have been looking for a means to contribute again to the ways in which Asbury First serves the community.

What is something that you want people to know about you?
I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, and grandmother. Asbury First has been a wonderful blessing to us as a family. I credit Asbury First for helping us navigate the challenges inherent in raising children and interacting with people as disciples of Christ.

Cory Tylenda


How long have you been a member of Asbury First?
I became an official member in February 2014. I started to attend Asbury First in the late 1990s while I attended college at the University of Rochester.

What have you been involved in as a member of Asbury First?
I served as the chair of the Stewardship Committee (now Giving Team) for five years in addition to Church Council and the Better Together Capital Campaign. I have been part of the Parables in Parenting group and also served as a member of Hospitality Team 9.
Currently, I am a member of the LGBTQ+ Advocacy Group, a Discipleship Group, and the Gardening Club. In February, I am starting to volunteer in the Storehouse. 

Why do you want to be on the Governing Board?
I am called to help people and provide service to others where I feel my contributions can make a difference. Based on my past experiences with Stewardship and Church Council, I can provide insight to support the operations and governance of our church. I am skilled at collaborating with others to make decisions that reflect the mission of Asbury First. Through my leadership roles in the past, I have developed meaningful relationships with the church staff, committee members, and volunteers. I also strive to introduce potential new members to Asbury First through my work with the LGTBQ+ community, ensuring that Asbury First is a welcoming place for all.

What is something that you want people to know about you?
I am the Business Continuity Manager for Algonquin Power and Utilities Corporation, an international clean energy/utilities company, based in Toronto, Canada. In the past I have worked for three members of the U.S. House of Representatives and a member of the NYS Assembly. I am an avid reader, and I love to do home construction and gardening projects. I also love to travel and shop for antiques.

Tim Mahan


How long have you been a member of Asbury First?
I began attending Asbury First in 1999. I was attracted to the preaching of Bob Hill and the inspiring music and felt welcomed as a newcomer. My wife Johanna and I were married at Asbury First in 2002 and we have been attending ever since with our two sons Finn and Sean.

What have you been involved in as a member of Asbury First?
I have served on the SPRC, the Dining and Caring Center Board, and most recently served as the Chair of the Community Outreach Center Committee. I volunteer at the Outreach Center Clothing Ministry and have been active as a parent volunteer supporting youth activities and the Asbury Community Theatre.

Why do you want to be on the Governing Board?
Our family loves the community of people at Asbury First. This is a great opportunity for me to support our mission to “Do More Good.”  My father was a pastor at a local church and I grew up with an insiders view of the challenges and rewards of leading a diverse group of passionate people. I hope to use this perspective and listen to the needs of the Asbury Community so that I can collaborate effectively with the Governing Board and Church Leadership. This is an exciting and vital moment for Asbury First!

What is something you want people to know about you?
I have worked for Wegmans Food Markets in a variety of leadership positions for 32 years. I hope to bring some of the financial and communication skills I have developed in those roles to this position on the Governing Board. I enjoy live music, playing billiards, and skiing.  

Ike Jordan

How long have you been a member of Asbury First?
I have been a member of Asbury First for 8 years.

What have you been involved in as a member of Asbury First?
I have served in an array of areas which include The Vision Committee, Men’s Chorus, and most recently, the Asbury First Committee on Racial Equality/Steering Committee. I credit much of my spiritual nourishment, growth, and contentment to the Ministry, the people, and the fellowship experienced at Asbury First.

Why do you want to be on the Governing Board?
I believe serving on the Governing Board further extends my commitment and desire to extend the mission of Asbury First and support the proactive, flexible, and transparent lifeblood of the Church — now, and moving forward in the coming years.

What is something that you want people to know about you?
I am a native Rochesterian and have worked in Healthcare Sales and Marketing for over 20 years where I have lived and worked throughout the US, Europe, and Latin America. I have two adult sons and a delightful 8-month-old granddaughter.

Christy Lesher

How long have you been a member of Asbury First?
I have been a member for just over 20 years. As a United Methodist transplant, originally hailing from the Chautauqua Lake area, I walked into Asbury on the search for a new UMC home as I put down roots permanently in Rochester sometime in 2001. I’ve been in attendance since and transferred my membership here prior to Michael and I getting married in Asbury’s beautiful sanctuary by Rev. Susan Shafer in 2005.

What have you been involved in as a member of Asbury First?
I was a member of the Racial Justice Advocacy Group under the leadership of the Rev. Jacqueline Nelson, participating in meetings and advocacy group sessions for the first year of its organization. Most recently, I had the pleasure of serving on the Pastor Parish Relations Committee. It was a great opportunity to serve the pastoral staff and congregation.

Why do you want to be on the Governing Board?
I look forward to transferring my service on the PPRC to the Governing Board at this critical time in our church’s life and ministry. As we endeavor to carry the mission of Asbury First forward, I believe my skills as a learning and development professional—specializing in virtual workshops and remote learning—can be brought to bear as I serve on the Governing Board.

What is something you want people to know about you?
In the words of my late grandfather, I try to learn something new every day. It is by no accident I wound my way from an English major and Education minor at Roberts Wesleyan into the world of online and virtual learning. Some days I learn new skills based on the topics of our trainings, and some days I learn new insights about the people I live in community with. When we are in learning-mode, we are open to others, new ideas, and continually growing into who God envisions we can be.

Jonathan Carroll-Nellenback

How long have you been a member of Asbury First?
I have been a member of Asbury First for 10 years.

What have you been involved in as a member of Asbury First?
My first involvement with Asbury First was singing in the Men's chorus, and then the summer chorus.  My wife and I (and our kids) began volunteering to provide hospitality with RAIHN.  I co-chaired the Outreach Committee for a time with Jacqueline Nelson and served on the Church Council.  For the last several years, I've chaired the Outreach Funding Team, been a member of the PPRC, attended Annual Conference as a lay delegate for Asbury First, and have helped with the Community Garden.
Why do you want to be on the Governing Board?
I am honored to serve on the Governing Board and look forward to helping Asbury continue to be the vibrant and incredible community that it is as we live out our shared mission in an ever changing world.

What is something that you want people to know about you?
Both of my parents were Methodist clergy in central New York. My wife and I have three incredible kids that keep us busy.  My work at the University of Rochester is a mix of scientific research and software engineering. And I like to spend my leisure time playing the piano or watching a soccer match.

 Chuck Hanrahan

 How long have you been a member of Asbury First?
Cara and I started attending Asbury in 1996. After being away from church for several years, we were moved by the authenticity of the pastors, the warmth of the community, and the power of the music. 

What have you been involved in as a member of Asbury First?
I have served in many roles including Chair of Property Stewardship and Building Committees (overseeing construction of the Outreach Center and other large projects), Trustee, SPRC, Nominations, Finance, Church Directions, UMYF Counselor, Asbury Community Theatre 

Why do you want to be on the Governing Board?
Asbury is central to my life. Cara and I are involved in many areas, and we have developed a wide ranging community. It seems only fitting to give back to the organization that feeds me in so many ways. It is an honor to serve in this role. 

What is something that you want people to know about you?
I retired a few years ago from a 32 year career in technical sales and marketing. I have a BS in Engineering and Management and an MBA with a concentration in Finance and Marketing. I play guitar and bass, and enjoy live music. I am a foodie, and am a certified scuba diver.