Cady Celebration

Asbury First’s Pastor Parish Relations Committee (PPRC) invites you to participate in upcoming events to honor and wish a fond farewell to Rev. Dr. Stephen Cady, II, Emily Cady and the Cady family. There are many activities planned!

Celebration Dinner. On Saturday, June 1, 2024, we will be holding a dinner and reception to honor Stephen, Emily, and the Cady family. It will take place under a tent on our Granger Place Lawn, adjacent to building 1050. There will be bounce houses starting at 3:30 pm, a buffet dinner starting at 5 pm, a program starting during dinner about 5:45 pm, live music to follow, and more.

So that we can plan food, please RSVP with the number attending on the form below. The dinner is complimentary, but a voluntary goodwill offering to help offset your dinner cost may be made by on the form below.

Farewell Gift. We also will continue the Asbury First tradition of collecting contributions towards a farewell monetary gift (also known as a purse) for Stephen to show our appreciation of his love and devotion to Asbury First over the last 12 years. This gift will be presented to Stephen on Sunday, June 2 at the end of the 11 am service. If you would like to contribute, please either make your check payable to Asbury First UMC with a notation of “Cady Purse” and send it to the church office at Asbury First UMC, 1050 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14607, Attn: John Ormsbee, use the form below, or place it in the collection plate at a worship service no later than May 29. Your donation may or may not qualify for an income tax deduction in accordance with Federal and State laws.