
Join the Poor People's Campaign on June 7


Published: June 4, 2021

Monday, June 7, 12 pm, Federal Building, 100 State Street

On Monday, June 7 at noon in Rochester at the Federal Building at 100 State Street, join The Poor People's Campaign to make our voices heard and urge our members of Congress to take action and sign onto a newly-released national resolution. They will be gathering just to the right (south) of the Federal Building between it and the Holiday Inn.

Over the last three years, the Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival has been clear in its commitment to shifting the moral narrative in this country by building lasting power for poor and impacted people. That is why on Monday, June 7 at noon, the Poor People's Campaign is organizing news conferences around the country to demand that our U.S. House of Representatives sign the national resolution titled, “Third Reconstruction: Fully Addressing Poverty and Low-Wages in America by Building from the Bottom Up.”

[Note that because of construction on the Riverwalk, the Genesee Crossroads Garage is closed. Use the Sister Cities Garage with entrance on Fitzhugh St. Exit onto Church St. and turn right.]

As always, the Poor People’s Campaign is political, but non-partisan; this is not about left or right, Democrat or Republican, but about right or wrong. If you have any questions or would like to become more involved with this action, please call or text John McNeill at 585-329-6193.

To learn more about the Poor People's Campaign, visit